Vatican clarifies new encyclical’s sexist title

The Pope’s new encyclical’s sexist title “Fratelli tutti,” is to be understood as including both men and women, the Vatican says.

It is “an encyclical for all brothers and sisters,” the Vatican says in the daily newspaper in L’Osservatore Romano.

The front-page editorial clarifies that the encyclical “addresses all his sisters and brothers, all men and women of good will who populate the earth: everyone, inclusively, and in no way exclusively.”

The editorial was written by Vatican News editorial director Andrea Tornielli, in response to the reaction of a number of people in the Anglophone world, and especially in the United States.

Critics say the title “Fratelli tutti” was perceived as referring only to men, with some decrying it as misogynist.

The negative reaction to the encyclical’s sexist title reached the higher levels in the Vatican, resulting in the decision to write the editorial to remove any doubt concerning the pope’s intentions.

In his editorial, Tornielli says Francis chose the title “Fratelli tutti” and included them as the first words of the encyclical.

The words Fratelli tutti are “a direct quotation from St Francis (taken from the Admonitions, 6, 1: FF 155) and the pope has obviously not changed it,” Tornielli explains.

He goes on to emphasise that “the formulation of the title in no way intends to exclude women, that is, more than half of the human race.”

Francis “chose the words of the Saint of Assisi to initiate a reflection on something he cares about very deeply: namely, fraternity and social friendship. He therefore addresses all his sisters and brothers, all men and women of good will who populate the earth: everyone, inclusively, and in no way exclusively,” Tornielli concludes.


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