Anglican Church abuse review finds Peter Hollingworth ‘fit for ministry’

Former governor-general Peter Hollingworth admits he has made mistakes, as he accepts the recommendations by an Anglican Church review into abuse allegations that found he is “fit for ministry”.

On Monday, the Professional Standards Board for the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne made the finding.

In a statement, the 88-year-old conceded while he was archbishop of Brisbane in the 1990s, he failed to appropriately respond to abuse complaints but said he did not commit any crimes.

“I made mistakes and I cannot undo them,” Dr Hollingworth said in a statement.

“I accept the board’s recommendations and look forward to these matters finally being put to rest.

“Hardly a day has passed in the past 30 years when I have not reflected on these matters and my failings. I had devoted my life to social justice, pastoral care and healing, but I had little experience in dealing with the child abuse issues. Like other church leaders, I was unduly influenced by the advice of lawyers and insurance companies.”

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