Posts Tagged ‘Abortion’

Bishops reject call for mass abortions for terror victims

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

Nigeria’s Catholic bishops have spoken out against calls for mass abortions for some of the pregnant women rescued from Boko Haram. The bishops’ conference health committee chair Bishop Anselm Umoren told a press conference the life of every baby is distinct from that of the parents. Aborting the unborn children of the rescued women would Read more

Rome rebuts charge of collaboration with abortion backers

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

A Vatican official has disagreed with pro-life groups over the involvement in a climate change conference of people who have supported abortion. Pro-life sources had expressed concern that the Vatican partnered with United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon and US economist Jeffrey Sachs at an April 28 summit in Rome. The summit was hosted by the Read more

Mandatory vaccination in schools looms in two US dioceses

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

In two US dioceses, the parents of children attending Catholic schools are being told they must have their children vaccinated, regardless of moral qualms. But critics say such compulsion is contrary to moral advice given by a pontifical academy. The Church has moral difficulties with certain vaccines, the cell lines for which were originally derived Read more

Evangelium Vitae — the Gospel of Life — twenty years on

Friday, March 27th, 2015

Last week, a young friend of mine attempted to defend the truth about marriage among a group of peers at a secular university. She presented a meaningful argument about families, social stability, and gender complementarity. None of her classmates refuted her arguments. Instead, they accused her of being a bigot and a homophobe, called her Read more

A Nadi Christian Church puts spotlight on abortion

Friday, March 27th, 2015

A Christian organisation in Nadi, Fiji, holds weekly mini-marathons to raise awareness about abortions and unplanned pregnancy. Since December last year, members of the Living Way church have been walking or running with Tee-shirts emblazoned with the biblical text, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified Read more

NZ abortion rate falls, but harassment continues

Friday, March 13th, 2015

The Abortion Supervisory Committee, in its annual report released this week, said there was a “sharp decline” in the number of 15-19 years olds having abortions. The committee said this was an encouraging trend. It partially attributed this decline to greater use of contraceptive implants. However, the committee also said anecdotal evidence suggested many women Read more

Shroud of Turin opportunity for abortion reconciliation

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

While the Shroud of Turin is displayed later this year, local priests have been given faculties to reconcile women who confess to having had an abortion. The goal of the special faculties granted by Turin’s Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia is to ensure that the public display of the shroud promotes conversion and healing. The shroud, which Read more

Bishops name life issues as priorities in UK elections

Friday, February 27th, 2015

Cardinal Vincent Nichols of Westminster has pleaded with Catholics to engage with politics ahead of the United Kingdom’s general election on May 7. The England and Wales bishops have produced a four page letter which asks Catholics to consider some fundamental ethical questions before they vote. The letter is to be distributed in parishes this Read more

Pro life group’s Lenten campaign a prayer vigil not a protest

Friday, February 20th, 2015

40 Days for Life prayer vigils began outside Wellington Hospital and across the road from the Auckland Medical Aid Centre (AMAC) on Ash Wednesday. The vigils are part of a worldwide Lenten campaign aimed at protecting mothers and babies from abortion. They will continue till Palm Sunday. 40 Days of Life is not a political campaign, Read more

Abortions sky-rocket in Vietnam as family planning excludes youth

Friday, November 28th, 2014

At a small Hanoi cemetery, Catholic farmer Nguyen Van Thao opens a fridge and pulls out a bag of bloody fetuses to prepare for burial — a grim reminder that Vietnam has one of the highest abortion rates in the world. Around 40 percent of pregnancies in the country end in abortion, according to a Read more