Posts Tagged ‘Cafeteria Catholic’

Reluctant Mass-goers: You are the one your parish is waiting for

Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

O.K., in spite of dismal national trends, in spite of your family and friends leaving the church like rats jumping from a sinking ship, you want to remain Catholic. You have your reasons. Perhaps you are rock solid in your faith. Or perhaps it is more of a hunch, that Catholicism is where Jesus is Read more

Proud to be a cafeteria Catholic

Monday, July 31st, 2017
cafeteria Catholic

I once found great comfort in the black-and-white world of apologetics. The Catechism of the Catholic Church provided the answers to all of my questions concerning faith and morals. It was the definitive voice of the church, and I believed everything that voice said. And then my black-and-white world began to fall apart. Dysfunctional leadership Read more