Posts Tagged ‘Catholic Church in Germany’

Munich archdiocese faces revenue drop – forcing cuts

Thursday, July 25th, 2024

The German Archdiocese of Munich and Freising has reported a significant 6.2% drop in church tax revenue for 2023, due primarily to many parishioners leaving the church. Finance Director Markus Reif announced at the Federal Budget Press Conference in Munich that the archdiocese’s income fell by €41 million to €617 million. The German church tax Read more

Young German priests reject synodal way priorities

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

An in-depth study of Germany’s younger priests has found they have limited interest in the changes to the Catholic Church advocated by the country’s controversial “synodal way.” The study, published May 17, asked priests ordained between 2010 and 2021 how they believed the Catholic Church should be reformed. The majority did not select answers championed Read more

Pope’s criticism of German Synodal Committee unconcerning

Monday, November 27th, 2023
Paul Zulehner

Austrian theologian Paul Zulehner (pictured) is unconcerned with Pope Francis’ recent critique of the German Catholic Church’s Synodal Committee. Zulehner views the Pope’s reply to four critics of the German reform efforts as a “gesture of respect and courtesy”. Prof Zulehner noted this in a November 22 post on his private blog. Recently a letter Read more

German priests bless same-sex couples in defiance of archbishop

Monday, September 25th, 2023
same-sex couples

In an act of defiance against the conservative stance of Cologne’s archbishop Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, several priests gathered outside Cologne Cathedral for a ceremony blessing same-sex couples. The protest was sparked by criticism in March directed at a priest from Mettmann, a town near Duesseldorf. He had conducted a “blessing ceremony for lovers,” including Read more

German Catholic church loses half a million members in one year

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

The Catholic church in Germany revealed it’s been losing followers like never before. More than half a million people decided to renounce their membership in 2022. According to the German Bishops’ Conference in Bonn, 522,821 people left the church last year. The number was way more than the forecasts made by the institution. In 2021, Read more

Four German bishops block funding for permanent synodal council

Thursday, June 22nd, 2023

Four German bishops voted on Tuesday against funding the synod committee preparing to introduce a permanent German synodal council to oversee the Church in Germany. The four bishops are Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki of Cologne and three bishops from Bavaria: Gregor Maria Hanke, OSB, of Eichstätt; Stefan Oster of Passau; and Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg. Read more

Departing German Catholics being denied Eucharist

Thursday, April 27th, 2023
Should leavers receive Eucharist

The debate over the German Catholic Church’s Kirchensteuer, or church tax, was reignited by a bishop’s recent comments over departing Catholics being denied Eucharist. During his sermon in Cologne’s cathedral, Bishop Ansgar Puff asked whether the Church is doing enough to accompany baptised Catholics who leave the Church to avoid paying the mandatory church tax. Read more

Vatican rejects German plans for laity to preach or baptise

Monday, April 3rd, 2023
Vatican rejects German plans

The Vatican’s liturgy czar has intervened to stop the German Synodal Way’s resolution calling for laypeople to baptise and preach homilies during Mass in Germany. In a letter to the German Bishops’ Conference president dated March 29, Cardinal Arthur Roche (pictured) said neither was possible — despite at least one German diocese already announcing both Read more

Is German Catholicism’s global influence waning?

Monday, March 27th, 2023
Catholic Church in Germany

The Catholic Church in Germany has dominated the headlines so far in 2023, thanks to its controversial “synodal way,” which concluded this month with endorsements of same-sex blessings, women deacons, and “gender diversity.” Measured by international media attention alone, German Catholicism would appear to be a commanding presence on the world stage, pioneering radical changes Read more

Top Vatican official urges dialogue with German bishops on same-sex blessings

Thursday, March 16th, 2023
German same-sex blessings

The German bishops can expect a discussion with the Vatican over their vote in favour to bless same-sex unions. The move, made by the influential and wealthy German Church, does not align with official Catholic doctrine, which forbids such blessings. “A local, particular church cannot make a decision like that which involves the discipline of Read more