Posts Tagged ‘Same-sex blessing’

Catholic – Coptic tensions over same-sex blessings

Monday, May 27th, 2024
same-sex blessing tensions

Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández recently met with Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II to bridge the gap caused by same-sex blessing tensions. However, the meeting highlighted a rare agreement between the Catholic and Coptic Orthodox Churches on their stance against homosexual relationships. During their meeting, Pope Tawadros II expressed his concerns directly, urging clarity and consistency Read more

Catholic priest’s public blessings for same-sex couples praised

Thursday, February 15th, 2024
same-sex blessing

A South Korean Catholic priest’s public blessings for same-sex couple are making the world of difference to the way couples see themselves. Father Seungbok Lee’s actions have won applause from individuals and groups supporting same-sex couples’ rights. Two sets of female same-sex couples – Yeon Yeon and Yoon Hae, and Chris and Ari – are Read more

Cardinals meet secretly in Prague for gender ideology talks

Monday, February 12th, 2024
Gender ideology

In a discreet meeting held at Prague’s Mozart Hotel, 21 Catholic bishops including nine cardinals from several continents convened to discuss “Gender ideology, science and the nature of divine revelation.” The discussion, organised by the Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture, delved into topics surrounding gender theory’s perceived threat to Christian values Read more

Everyone will calm down – Pope on same-sex blessings controversy

Thursday, February 8th, 2024
same-sex blessing

Pope Francis has expressed optimism that “everyone will gradually calm down” regarding the Vatican’s recent decision to permit priests to offer same-sex blessings. The Vatican’s announcement, titled “Fiducia Supplicans,” drew criticism from conservatives, with some Catholic bishops in Africa expressing strong disapproval. However Pope Francis described the objections from certain African bishops as stemming from Read more

For Catholics, When are ‘Blessings’ Not ‘Weddings’?

Thursday, October 12th, 2023
same-sex blessings

The same-sex blessings near Cologne Cathedral (pictured) were a public salute to scores of private ceremonies among European Catholics in recent years. The crowd waved rainbow flags and according to media reports, sang “All You Need Is Love” by the Beatles. The mid-September rites included Catholic priests reciting blessings for same-sex and heterosexual couples and, Read more

German priests bless same-sex couples in defiance of archbishop

Monday, September 25th, 2023
same-sex couples

In an act of defiance against the conservative stance of Cologne’s archbishop Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, several priests gathered outside Cologne Cathedral for a ceremony blessing same-sex couples. The protest was sparked by criticism in March directed at a priest from Mettmann, a town near Duesseldorf. He had conducted a “blessing ceremony for lovers,” including Read more

Church of England delays same-sex blessings

Monday, July 10th, 2023
Anglican Church

The Church of England is delaying controversial plans to bless same-sex couples, official papers reveal. In February, the Church’s lawmaking body approved blessings for lesbian and gay couples. The approval was limited to couples who were already married or had a civil partnership. The landmark vote drew ire from both sides of the Church’s same-sex Read more

Conservative Anglican leaders denounce Archbishop of Canterbury

Monday, May 1st, 2023
Anglican Church

Leaders of the conservative wing of the Anglican Church have declared that they no longer recognise England’s Archbishop of Canterbury as first among equals. They are calling for a complete overhaul of how the global denomination is led. The primary cause of the rift among Anglican leaders is their differing opinions on homosexuality and same-sex Read more

Top Vatican official urges dialogue with German bishops on same-sex blessings

Thursday, March 16th, 2023
German same-sex blessings

The German bishops can expect a discussion with the Vatican over their vote in favour to bless same-sex unions. The move, made by the influential and wealthy German Church, does not align with official Catholic doctrine, which forbids such blessings. “A local, particular church cannot make a decision like that which involves the discipline of Read more

German Catholic bishops approve blessing same-sex relationships

Monday, March 13th, 2023
German Catholic same-sex blessings

German Catholic Bishops approved the blessing of same-sex relationships during their final synod assembly, defying the Vatican’s stance against such blessings. The five-page document, “Blessing ceremonies for couples who love each other,” was passed by 176 votes for, 14 against, and 12 abstentions at its second reading. The vote formally adopts it as a resolution Read more