Posts Tagged ‘Christian genocide’

Persecution of Christians close to genocide

Monday, May 6th, 2019

The persecution of Christians is at near genocide levels in some parts of the world, says an interim report ordered by British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt. The review estimates that one in three people suffer from religious persecution. Of these, Christians are the most persecuted. Hunt says he thinks “political correctness” has played a part Read more

Iraq & Syria: genocide of Christian communities

Tuesday, October 11th, 2016

A young boy, 10 years old or so, faces the camera. Like many young boys, he is happy to be interviewed. This is war-torn Iraq, however, so he tells of the day ISIS came to his village. He starts to recount, horror after horror, what took place. It is hard to accept that one so Read more

Christian genocide happening now!

Friday, April 1st, 2016

For many of us who strive to seriously practice faith in Jesus Christ, and to extend that practice out into the marketplace, the political square and society at large, persecution rarely means more than being ridiculed, verbally harassed, and to a certain degree socially and politically marginalized. But for so many other Christians throughout the Read more