Posts Tagged ‘Genocide’

Anti-genocide college protestors inspire moral courage 

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

With over 34,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza– 14,000 of them children – hospitals bombed, churches attacked – including Holy Family Catholic Church – elementary schools and universities destroyed, water and sanitation facilities demolished, ambulance and medical aid convoys fired upon, I ask what else could all of this non-stop Israeli military carnage be called other Read more

Respect Judaism, condemn Israeli policies

Thursday, March 14th, 2024

Every Christian should have a deep respect for Judaism. When we consider that our Lord Jesus, our Blessed Mother Mary, St. Joseph, the twelve apostles, and the very first disciples were practicing religious Jews. We also need to consider that the Christian New Testament is firmly rooted in the Jewish Scriptures of the Old Testament. Read more

Dispute erupts over whether pope called Gaza situation a ‘genocide’

Thursday, November 23rd, 2023

A messy dispute broke out on Wednesday over whether Pope Francis used the word “genocide” to describe events in Gaza, with Palestinians who met with him insisting that he did and the Vatican saying he did not. The opposing versions emerged at an afternoon press conference with 10 Palestinians who met the pope on Wednesday Read more

Wellington council rethinks after ‘genocide denial’ accusation

Monday, March 6th, 2023
genocide denial

The Wellington City Council is rethinking its policy after being slammed as “complicit in genocide denial”. The accusation against the Council followed its decision to grant police the power to arrest Anzac Day protesters. The issue came to light on Anzac Day last year. Richard Noble arrived at a service at Wellington’s Pukeahu War Memorial Read more

China’s Uyghur abuses match UN genocide definition

Thursday, March 18th, 2021

China’s abuses of its Uyghur population violate every article in the United Nations’ (UN) genocide definition, a new report claims. The Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy, a foreign policy think tank based in Washington, D.C., prepared the 55-page report. It is one of the think tank’s first independent reports into the Chinese Communist Party’s Read more

Uighurs could be allowed to seek genocide ruling against China in UK

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

Uighurs and other Muslim minorities would be given the right to petition a UK high court judge to declare that genocide is taking place in China, requiring the UK government to curtail trade ties with Beijing, under proposals brought by MPs and peers. The cross-party parliamentary revolt is causing deep concern in government, where there Read more

China forces abortion and infanticide on Uyghurs

Thursday, August 20th, 2020

Forced abortion and infanticide are being used to carry out China’s family planning policies, according to a former hospital worker in China’s Xinjiang province. Hospitals regularly force late-term abortions on Uyghur women and kill newborn Uyghur babies, says Hasiyet Abdulla, who presently lives in Turkey. Abdulla is one of many Uyghurs who have fled to Read more

Sudan to hand over ex-president responsible for Darfur genocide, war crimes

Monday, February 17th, 2020

The transitional government in Sudan has agreed to turn over former President Omar al-Bashir and two other ex-government officials responsible for the genocide in Darfur to face prosecution at the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands. The Associated Press reports that a member of Sudan’s sovereign council announced Tuesday that transitional authorities and rebel groups Read more

Population control isn’t the answer to climate crisis

Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

“If we can get rid of enough people,” the El Paso terrorist wrote in his grotesque manifesto, “then our way of life can be more sustainable.” His bigoted rampage left little doubt who he meant by “we” and “our way of life.” The eco-fascism of the far-right couches its racist intent as concern for the Read more

Christian persecution: Media and Government soft on truth

Thursday, May 9th, 2019
christian persecution

Governments and media in Western countries have been too scared to point out widespread persecution of Christians. The comments were made to Newshub by Former Massey University Professor and religious history expert Peter Lineham. “Western countries, with the exception of the USA, are sensitive about their Muslim minorities feeling as though things are loaded against Read more