Posts Tagged ‘Christian persecution’

Church leaders meet Indian PM, raise concerns over ‘attacks’

Thursday, July 18th, 2024

A delegation of Church leaders met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on July 12, a month after he was elected to power for the third consecutive term, and expressed concerns about the increasing hostility Christians face in the country. Archbishop Andrews Thazhath of Trichur, president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, led the Read more

Chinese pastor released from prison but still not free

Monday, March 25th, 2024

The Rev. John Sanqiang Cao was arrested and sentenced to seven years in prison while coming back from a missionary trip in Myanmar. After completing his sentence, Cao is no longer behind bars. But he is facing another major obstacle. He is without any legal documentation in his country, unable to access even the most Read more

Christianity, the world’s most persecuted religion

Monday, August 29th, 2022

Imagine being at your parish church this Sunday celebrating the Eucharist. Just as your pastor finishes his homily, gunfire erupts from the back of the church. As you quickly turn around, you see several armed men firing their weapons into the assembly. And with added horror, you see numerous fellow parishioners lying dead. Amid screams Read more

Christian denied refugee status in NZ despite fear of harm in China

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

A Chinese man who became a Christian after surviving a four-storey fall has been denied refugee status in New Zealand despite fears of serious harm if he returns to his home country. He became more interested in Christianity after his arrival. In June 2018 while in the country unlawfully, a friend said he should apply Read more

Christian persecution: Media and Government soft on truth

Thursday, May 9th, 2019
christian persecution

Governments and media in Western countries have been too scared to point out widespread persecution of Christians. The comments were made to Newshub by Former Massey University Professor and religious history expert Peter Lineham. “Western countries, with the exception of the USA, are sensitive about their Muslim minorities feeling as though things are loaded against Read more

Persecution of Christians worse now than ever – do we care?

Monday, May 6th, 2019

“The persecution of Christians is today worse than at any time in history,” says Aid to the Church in Need – a papal charity – in its report on oppressed Christians titled “Persecuted and Forgotten?”. The Easter Sunday coordinated bombings targeting Christians in Sri Lanka, which killed at least 290 people and wounded approximately 500 Read more

Persecution of Christians close to genocide

Monday, May 6th, 2019

The persecution of Christians is at near genocide levels in some parts of the world, says an interim report ordered by British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt. The review estimates that one in three people suffer from religious persecution. Of these, Christians are the most persecuted. Hunt says he thinks “political correctness” has played a part Read more

War on Christianity

Monday, April 29th, 2019
War on christianity

There’s a war going on – against a religion whose name is often treated as an embarrassing footnote. It’s a war against Christianity, and while its tentacles of hatred reach across the globe, they were seen most horrifically in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday with multiple deadly suicide blasts. On one of the holiest days Read more

Prince Charles praises persecuted Christians’ inspiring faith

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

Prince Charles says Christians from the Middle East have shown “inspiring faith and courage” in the face of oppression and persecution. Making a plea for peace and saying “extremism and division” are not inevitable, Charles said he had been privileged to have met many people “with such inspiring faith and courage” who were battling oppression Read more

Christians forced to pledge they will pray only at home

Thursday, October 11th, 2018

Ethnic-minority Wa and Lahu Christians near Myanmar’s border with China have been detained and ordered by a China-backed militia group to pledge that they would pray only in their homes and not in churches. Rev. Lazarus, general secretary of the Lahu Baptist Convention in Kyaing Tong, eastern Shan State, said that about 100 Wa Christians were Read more