Posts Tagged ‘Christianity’

Teenage Christianity – It all comes together

Monday, August 7th, 2023
teenage christianity

Teenage Christianity can be so anxious that it can hardly be called “Faith.” At least, that was my youthful experience. Being Cristian was a serious business. I was so busy with self-correction that I often missed the beauty of Jesus in my life. It seemed that every church I attended wanted to warn young people Read more

Christianity is not in terminal decline in Britain, whatever the census might say

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Two thousand years ago, a family took part in a census. Over the coming weeks in schools, churches, high streets, and venues across this country, the Christmas story that began with Mary and Joseph’s journey for a census will be enjoyed and celebrated by millions of people. But of what story are we a part? Read more

Christian resilience in modern society

Thursday, October 27th, 2022

Being a resilient minority in a hostile culture is a challenge, says Greg Sheridan. But he loves a challenge. It’s not every day that you find a secular journalist addressing a room full of Catholic media professionals on the topic of God. Yet that’s what Sheridan does. When he made the resilient minority comment, he Read more

Unity call marks Vatican II 60th anniversary

Thursday, October 13th, 2022
Church unity

Pope Francis called for Church unity at Mass on Tuesday, commemorating the Second Vatican Council’s 60th anniversary. Known as Vatican II (1962-1965), the Council taught the Church to see the world around it, Francis said. In his homily, he described the special Mass an act of love toward God and a remedy to the acute Read more

Christianity, the world’s most persecuted religion

Monday, August 29th, 2022

Imagine being at your parish church this Sunday celebrating the Eucharist. Just as your pastor finishes his homily, gunfire erupts from the back of the church. As you quickly turn around, you see several armed men firing their weapons into the assembly. And with added horror, you see numerous fellow parishioners lying dead. Amid screams Read more

Don’t write off Christianity

Monday, August 8th, 2022
chucking out god

Despite the sins of its members, the Christian faith is far greater than opinion polls in the news. It shouldn’t surprise, given the 2021 census results concerning religion, those critical of Christianity and the Catholic Church have used the fall in numbers to suggest religion is moribund and no longer relevant to Australian society. With Read more

Grand Imam says Christianity and Islam not at war

Thursday, September 17th, 2020
Christianity and Islam

The Grand Imam of al Azhar says religious differences between Christianity and Islam have never been the basis of wars. Instead, the two religions had been exploited to make it appear so. “We believe with certainty that Islam and Christianity have never been the origin of wars and conflicts, but rather religious faiths represent the Read more

Christians in Laos shunned for believing in ‘America’s god’

Monday, June 15th, 2020

Christians in the communist nation of Laos continue to face discrimination, harassment and ridicule over their beliefs. “They say in our village that there is no Christian god and that our ancestors were all animist,” a villager living in mountainous northern Laos recently told Radio Free Asia. Christianity is little understood among many Laotians, most Read more

The overstated collapse of American Christianity

Thursday, November 7th, 2019
Collapse of American christianity

Fifty years ago, many observers of American religion assumed that secularization would gradually wash traditional Christianity away. Twenty years ago, Christianity looked surprisingly resilient, and so the smart thinking changed: maybe there was an American exception to secularizing trends, or maybe a secularized Europe was the exception and the modernity-equals-secularization thesis was altogether wrong. Now Read more

The impossible future of Christians in the Middle East

Monday, June 17th, 2019
Middle East

An ancient faith is disappearing from the lands in which it first took root; the Middle East. At stake is not just a religious community, but the fate of pluralism in the region. The call came in 2014, shortly after Easter. Four years earlier, Catrin Almako’s family had applied for special visas to the United Read more