Posts Tagged ‘Diocese of Columbus’

Priestly vocations surge in Columbus, driven by bishop

Monday, April 29th, 2024
priestly vocations

In Columbus, Ohio, the diligent efforts of the local bishop have led to a significant rise in priestly vocations in recent years. Bishop Earl K Fernandes is spearheading efforts to cultivate a thriving culture of vocations within his diocese. Since his ordination as bishop in 2022, Bishop Fernandes has witnessed a remarkable turnaround. In the Read more

New bishop replaces priests who have run ministry for 65 years

Monday, August 1st, 2022
New bishop replaces priests

A group of priests who have run the Catholic ministry at Ohio State University for 65 years will depart at the end of July following a decision by the new bishop of the Diocese of Columbus. Bishop Earl Fernandes, who was installed on May 31, is the Catholic Church’s first Indian-American bishop. Fernandes advised the Read more