Posts Tagged ‘Instrumentalis Laboris 2024’

Has the synodal church stopped listening?

Monday, August 5th, 2024

As the official synodal process enters its fourth year, the Vatican recently released the document, the instrumentum laboris, to guide discussions for the October 2024 synod. The document was relatively stunning in its admission of challenges, beauty of language on the Trinity and Christ and mission; and, for its announcement that opening the diaconate for Read more

Synod study groups – no Kiwis, few women, three Aussies

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Study groups at October’s second synod assembly in Rome will look closely at several hot-button issues identified at last year’s synod. Women deacons, the ministry of bishops, and synodal formation for future priests are some of these issues. Mainly male groups, none local The Vatican says 15 study groups will work together to tease out Read more

October’s synod working paper published

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

The working paper for this October’s synod of bishops in Rome has been published, the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) says. The Vatican-published document – called the Instrumentum Laboris (or Working Instrument) – is based on 108 national summaries of bishops’ conferences from around the world presented to the General Secretariat. It is not a Read more