Posts Tagged ‘Australian Catholic Bishops Conference’

October’s synod working paper published

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

The working paper for this October’s synod of bishops in Rome has been published, the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) says. The Vatican-published document – called the Instrumentum Laboris (or Working Instrument) – is based on 108 national summaries of bishops’ conferences from around the world presented to the General Secretariat. It is not a Read more

Church communications congress – Mission in the modern world

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

“Missionary Message for the Modern World” is the theme of this year’s Australian Catholic Communications Congress from 28 to 30 August in Sydney. The conference, sponsored by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, the Australian Catholic Media Council and the Australasian Catholic Press Association, aims to address the evolving challenges and opportunities in sharing the Gospel Read more

Bishops approve Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit

Thursday, May 9th, 2024

Australia’s Catholic bishops have approved a liturgy which incorporates elements of Aboriginal language and culture. A motion was passed at the plenary meeting of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference in Sydney on Tuesday approving the Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit (Missa Terra Spiritus Sancti) for use in the Diocese of Broome in Read more

WA Police already have Vatican report on Bishop Saunders

Monday, September 25th, 2023
bishop saunders

A Vatican report about Bishop Saunders has already been handed to Western Australia Police. The facts run counter to a scandalous allegation to the contrary, says a statement from the Catholic Church. Recent news reports allege the Church has refused to hand the Vatican report to the Police. The Conference has responded firmly, denying the Read more

Police want Vatican report into Broome Bishop’s sex abuse

Thursday, September 21st, 2023
bishop saunders

A Vatican report into sex abuse allegations against Christopher Saunders, the former Bishop of Broome, has sparked renewed interest from the Western Australian police. The police have twice investigated Saunders (73) and not charged him, and are now calling on Church authorities to allow them to see the report. The Vatican report identifies Saunders as Read more

Australian bishops visit Ukraine to show concrete solidarity

Monday, August 21st, 2023

A delegation of Australian Bishops has travelled to war-torn Ukraine to bring their closeness to the nation’s suffering people. According to the Bishops’ Conference website’s media blog, the delegation from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) made the pastoral visit to several Ukrainian cities on 8-11 August in an expression of solidarity with the country’s Read more

Australian bishops urge action on cost of living pressures

Monday, April 17th, 2023
Australian cost of living pressures

Australian bishops have made an urgent call to address the cost of living pressures facing low and middle-income families. The country’s bishops have urged the Senate Select Committee on the Cost of Living to take action to mitigate the rising cost of living, which they describe as one of the country’s most pressing policy issues. Read more

Australian bishops stand up for biological gender distinction

Thursday, September 8th, 2022
transition genders

Hundreds of Catholic schools in Australia have been asked not to help children undertake gender transition. In a rare intervention, Australia’s Catholic bishops told the schools that sex is not a social construct but a “physical, biological reality.” Society has “widely adopted the belief that each person’s innermost concept of themselves determines their gender identity,” Read more

Parramatta diocese publishes Draft Synod Synthesis

Monday, May 2nd, 2022
Global Synod journey Australia

Dioceses throughout Australia are progressing their Synod journey, with reports being prepared from the local consultation phase of the Global Synod on Synodality. Individuals and groups were invited to reflect on and respond to a series of questions across the Synod of Bishops’ three key themes: communion, participation and mission. The online portal for submissions Read more

Australian religious discrimination bill to stop ‘cancel culture’

Monday, November 29th, 2021
Australian religious discrimination bill

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has warned that religious Australians should not be “cancelled, persecuted or vilified” because of their beliefs. Instead, Morrison insisted, people of faith must be defended from those who seek to marginalise and silence them. After tabling the government’s religious discrimination bill in parliament on Thursday, Morrison said faith groups and Read more