Posts Tagged ‘John Lennon’

‘Imagine’ at 50: Why John Lennon’s ode to humanism still resonates

Monday, September 20th, 2021

Fifty years ago, John Lennon released one of the most beautiful, inspirational and catchy pop anthems of the 20th century: “Imagine.” Gentle and yet increasingly stirring as the song progresses, “Imagine” is unabashedly utopian and deeply moral, calling on people to live, as one humanity, in peace. It is also purposely and powerfully irreligious. From Read more

John Lennon’s killer finds Jesus behind bars

Friday, September 5th, 2014

The killer of Beatle John Lennon has found religion during his prison sentence, but that has not helped him get parole. Mark David Chapman, 59, told the New York State parole board last month about his faith journey behind bars, almost 35 years since he took Lennon’s life. Chapman told the board the reason he Read more

John Lennon’s Imagine encapsulates so many modern objections to religion

Friday, August 17th, 2012

Last night, watching the Olympic closing ceremony, like millions of others , I heard a digitally remastered John Lennon singing Imagine. The song was familiar, but the words took me by surprise.  These words encapsulate so many of the modern objections to religion and faith, that it seems a good idea to present a few counter-arguments. Read more