Posts Tagged ‘Michael Sean Winters’

Pope Francis’ comments not as shocking as some think

Thursday, May 30th, 2024

The full ambivalence of Pope Francis’ pastoral approach to the issue of homosexuality has come into view, first during his television interview with CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell, and now with the news that he told the Italian bishops’ conference that gay men should not be allowed to enter the seminary. Is this the same pope who, early Read more

The bishops have lost interest in civic engagement

Thursday, May 19th, 2022

The decision by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to close down Catholic News Service was terrible in terms of lowering the standards of Catholic journalism. It was terrible, also, because of its ecclesial significance, which is a related but different concern, one that strikes at a deeper issue for the nation’s bishops. The Read more

US bishops should drop everything and focus on preventing schism

Thursday, September 5th, 2019

I have a modest proposal for the U.S. bishops’ conference. They should scrap their entire agenda for the upcoming November plenary and address a single question: To what degree are the seeds of a de facto schism being sown within the U.S. church? Last week, a friend called my attention to a website called “Faithful Read more

Francis’ theological vision includes dialogue, humility

Monday, July 15th, 2019

Recently, I called attention to an article by Robert Mickens about Pope Francis’ recent address at a theological symposium in Naples. A few days ago, my colleague Joshua McElwee reported on the pope’s homily at the Mass celebrating the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. Monday, the pope marked the sixth anniversary of his trip Read more

Accompany or argue: Pope contrasts with Bishop Barron on evangelisation

Monday, June 24th, 2019

Recently, La Civiltà Cattolica published a transcript of the Holy Father’s conversation with the Jesuit community working in Romania. Pope Francis typically meets with the local Jesuits whenever he visits a country and the conversations really show the wisdom and the personality of this pope. For example, we know the first pope from Argentina likes Read more

US Bishops favour traditionalist Archbishop over Cupich

Thursday, November 16th, 2017

Archbishop Joseph Naumann has been chosen over Cardinal Blase Cupich to lead the US Bishops Conference Pro-Life Activities Committee. The vote was 96 to 82. The post is traditionally reserved for cardinals. Naumann’s victory has been reported as a snub for Cupich’s progressive approach. Like Pope Francis, Cupich’s approach focuses on dialogue and encounter. Naumann Read more

New book questions whether family synod rigged

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

Some controversial statements in an interim report at last year’s extraordinary family synod did not reflect synod fathers’ discussions, a new book claims. Vatican reporter Edward Pentin has written “The Rigging of a Vatican Synod? An Investigation of Alleged Manipulation at the Extraordinary Synod on the Family”. The Relatio post disceptationem, or interim report, released Read more

US Church pours cold water on Ice Bucket challenge

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

Church leaders in several US dioceses have poured cold water on the Ice Bucket Challenge phenomenon, which has gone viral since June. The challenge involves ice-cold water being poured over a person’s head, in order to raise money for research into amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), sometimes known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. But some archdioceses, including Read more