Posts Tagged ‘LGBTQ Catholics’

Pope Francis’ comments not as shocking as some think

Thursday, May 30th, 2024

The full ambivalence of Pope Francis’ pastoral approach to the issue of homosexuality has come into view, first during his television interview with CBS News’ Norah O’Donnell, and now with the news that he told the Italian bishops’ conference that gay men should not be allowed to enter the seminary. Is this the same pope who, early Read more

Pope Francis apologises for unintentional vulgar gay slur

Thursday, May 30th, 2024

Pope Francis has apologised for what has been taken as a vulgar, homophobic slur. He “never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologises to those who felt offended” says Holy See press office chief Matteo Bruni. The remarks are at odds with the pope’s track record to date. He has Read more

Pope responds with ‘open heart’ to LGBTQ document criticism

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024
open heart

Responding with an “open heart,” Pope Francis has replied to Maltese parents of LGBTQ individuals who criticised a recent Vatican document denouncing gender theory and gender-affirming surgeries. In a letter dated April 30 Francis commended Drachma Parents, an organisation supporting LGBTQ Catholics, for their efforts. He described their work as “very beautiful and good”. In Read more

Vatican condemnation of “gender theory” a moment of whiplash for LGBTQ Catholics

Thursday, April 11th, 2024
LGBTQ Catholics

For over a decade, LGBTQ Catholics have grappled with the pope’s views on LGBTQ Catholics. The have grappled with what it means to balance  having a pope who literally and figuratively embraces their community while approving documents that seem to call their very dignity into question. That reality is playing out again today, with the Read more

Vatican releases much-anticipated Synod synthesis report

Monday, October 30th, 2023
synthesis report

The much anticipated “synthesis report” from October’s synod on synodality was released after the confidential Vatican-based meetings concluded on Sunday. The synthesis report summarises synodal discussions about how a synodal Church’s ministries and structures can give a wider role for laity which is more in line with the vision of Vatican II. Big issues discussed Read more

Synodality could cause schism, predicts cardinal

Thursday, August 24th, 2023

The synod on synodality could cause a schism in the Church, a leading conservative Catholic cardinal says. A new book, “The Synodal Process Is a Pandora’s Box: 100 Questions and Answers,” addresses the “serious situation” brought on by the synod, Cardinal Raymond Burke (pictured, centre) says. Pope Francis is risking confusion and even schism in Read more

Massachusetts diocese under fire for controversial policy on LGBTQ students

Thursday, August 24th, 2023

In a controversial move, Catholic schools in the Diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts have been instructed to revise their student handbooks with updated policies regarding LGBTQ students. The new regulations effectively bar students from engaging in same-sex relationships and activities inconsistent with their assigned birth sex. Bishop Robert McManus (pictured) of Worcester issued a notification to Read more

Catholic Church open to all – but has rules

Thursday, August 10th, 2023
Catholic Church

The Catholic Church is open to everyone, including the LGBTQ+ community, Pope Francis affirms. The Church has a duty to accompany gay people on a personal path of spirituality, providing that accompaniment is within the framework of the Catholic Church rules, he told reporters on the plane returning to Rome from World Youth Day (WYD) Read more

New guidelines on ministry to LGBT people

Monday, July 31st, 2023
ministry to LGBT people

Baltimore Archbishop William E Lori has issued new guidance on ministry to LGBT people and their families Lori’s policy is emphasising the need for a compassionate and understanding approach based on Church teaching and revelation. The archbishop released the 14-page document “Like Every Disciple” in the form of a personal letter. The letter seeks to Read more

Natural law has been used to restrict LGBTQ people

Thursday, June 1st, 2023
Natural law

Natural law has been used to restrict LGBTQ people, according to Fr James Alison, an influential Catholic priest, theologian and writer. Alison (pictured) commented in a recent virtual conversation on the website ‘Outreach’ in its monthly series of virtual talks ‘Outspoken.’ In the conversation with Fr James Martin, SJ, Alison discussed natural law and conscience, Read more