Posts Tagged ‘Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’

Francis, Benedict and the Christian vision of life

Friday, July 12th, 2013

A pillar was lacking in Benedict XVI’s trilogy on the theological virtues. Providence willed that this missing pillar should be both a gift from the Pope Emeritus to his successor and a symbol of unity. For in taking up and completing the work begun by his predecessor, Pope Francis bears witness with him to the Read more

Useful information about Pope Francis’ first encyclical

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

Pope Francis has just released his first encyclical, Lumen Fidei, or “the light of faith.” The first encyclical of a pope is always closely watched, because it frequently signals the way in which he intends to govern the Church. This new encyclical is even more intriguing because much of it was actually written by former Read more

Emeritus Pope’s health deteriorating

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Emeritus Pope Benedict is in poor physical condition and he is fading fast, reports say. “Benedict is in a bad way” and “we won’t have him for much longer” according to a veteran Spanish Vatican reporter, Paloma Gomez Borrero. Borrero has visited with Emeritus Pope in April and again late May in Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, inside Read more

The paradox of Pope Francis

Friday, May 24th, 2013

Who could have imagined what has happened in the last weeks? When I decided, months ago, to resign all of my official duties on the occasion of my 85th birthday, I assumed I would never see fulfilled my dream that — after all the setbacks following the Second Vatican Council — the Catholic church would Read more

Benedict, Francis and apostolic continuity

Friday, May 10th, 2013

When Pope Francis visited his predecessor at Castle Gandolfo in March, he said to Benedict XVI that “we are brothers.” This image nicely frames the differences between them. It underscores that the election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was not a rupture in the Church (as some suggest) but an unexpected lesson in apostolic continuity. Specifically, Read more

Benedict XVI and the end of the ‘virtual Council’

Friday, April 26th, 2013

In one of the last acts of his pontificate, Benedict XVI gave an address to the clergy of the Diocese of Rome on the Second Vatican Council.  In the address he drew a distinction between what he termed the Virtual Council, or Council of the Media, and the Real Council or Council of those who actually produced Read more

New titles and clothes for retired pope

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

If clothes and titles ‘maketh the man’, after two weeks of consultations with aides, theologians and historians, the Vatican announced that Pope Benedict will be known as “pope emeritus Benedict XVI” or “Roman Pontiff emeritus Benedict XVI”. The retired pope will continue to be addressed as “Your Holiness,” but be referred to as “His Holiness Benedict Read more