Posts Tagged ‘Religion’

Most Americans want a religious president

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

Fifty-six percent of Americans want a religious President in office according to a poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute and Religion News Service. The poll also revealed that although most Americans want a president with strong religious beliefs, only 40% were able to identify the religious beliefs of the current leading candidates. 20% Read more

Carl Jung: Religion and the search for meaning

Friday, July 29th, 2011

Carl Jung thought psychology could offer a language for grappling with moral ambiguities in an age of spiritual crisis. In 1959, two years before his death, Jung was interviewed for the BBC television programme Face to Face. The presenter, John Freeman, asked the elderly sage if he now believed in God. “Now?” Jung replied, paused Read more

Faith by numbers

Friday, July 29th, 2011

In a world that may seem increasingly secular to many of us, it is easy to forget that religious belief is a central part of life for hundreds of millions of people. An Ipsos survey conducted between 6th and 21st April 2011 in 24 countries around the world via the Ipsos Online Panel  showed that 69 per Read more

What effect has the internet had on religion?

Friday, July 22nd, 2011

Online, God has been released from traditional doctrine to become everything to everybody. I remember several years ago, when the virtual world Second Life was the thing on the web, wandering in the embodiment of my avatar through a most extraordinary representation of a cathedral. The frescoes, stained glass and flying buttresses were replicated to Read more

Religiously illiterate people cannot lead in the 21st century

Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

According to the Blair Faith Foundation, “though many Enlightenment thinkers assumed that religion and faith were on the wane, to be inevitably replaced by rational, scientific insight, this theory looks increasingly implausible today. Rather than Europe leading the way, it is now clearly the exception to the rule. The world is becoming more religious.” How do Read more

The search for the sacred: “I am spiritual but not religious”

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Is the use of the word the phrase, “I am spiritual but not religious” an attempt to get  “the warm cozy feeling” of religious life without making the intellectual commitment to what is the central question: Does God exist?” Adam Frank suggests the those who struggle to integrate their science with their theology reformulate the question. Not Read more

A church that refuses to be a holy huddle

Friday, June 10th, 2011

“I long to see a church that is Jesus-focused and Jesus-flavoured. I long to see a church that reflects His heartbeat. I long to see a church that speaks confidently of his heart, life and has a destiny-transforming message. I long to see a church that refuses to be a holy huddle or Christian country club.” said Mike Norris Read more

Belief, doubt, hypocracy

Friday, May 27th, 2011

Christopher Lane considers the case of a man who has lost his faith, but continues to practice his religion. ‘I continue to believe that religion brings the potential for a great many good things” says the man.   “I could probably continue going through the motions, except that I believe in morality and honesty, and I Read more

Russia converted: Childhood prayers answered

Friday, May 13th, 2011

A recent poll shows 82 percent of Russians classify themselves as religious believers. This figure is greater than any other European country. Fewer, however, subscribe to organised religion. The survey carried out in April shows just 50 percent of Russians say they are Orthodox, while 27 percent didn’t associate themselves with any particular organised faith. Among Read more

Make more use of empty churches

Friday, May 13th, 2011

A call has been made to make more use of empty churches. Hundreds of church buildings around Auckland stand empty throughout the week and the council is being encouraged to look at ways to save money by using them. The Pacific community came up with the idea at a meeting discussing submissions on the Auckland Read more