Synod Synthesis Report now available to download in English


Initial reaction to the “synthesis report” from Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality mixed.

Conservatives warn that the Church is being ‘warmed up’ to major changes in doctrine, while progressives are complaining their issues have not been addressed or the document does not go far enough.

The synthesis report outlines key proposals discussed between some 450 participants worldwide.

It covers areas of convergence, matters for consideration and proposals that are expected to set the stage for further debate throughout the year ahead of next year’s assembly.

The document was initially only available in Italian.

The Synod Synthesis report is now available in English to download and read on the screen or print.

It is also available as a word-processed document. The English translation and formatting is ‘as provided’.

The report reflects the stage one of the Synod. The second stage of the Synod takes place in October 2024.

The Synod Synthesis report is the next stage in the global conversation undertaken by the Church. It is the reflection of the Synod members.

Moving forward, the synthesis report will be used to develop ‘convergences’ already reached and serve as a source for further discussion and clarification.

Pope Francis rarely intervened at the Synod; however, on Wednesday 25 October, he commented on the Letter of the Holy Faithful People of God.

“One of the characteristics of this faithful people is its infallibility; yes, it is infallible in credendo [in belief]. (In credendo falli nequit, says LG 12). Infallibilitas in credendo. [Infallible in belief.]

“And I explain it like this: “when you want to know what Holy Mother Church believes, go to the Magisterium because its task is to teach it to you. But when you want to know how the Church believes, go to the faithful people”.


Additional reading

News category: News Shorts, World.

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