Posts Tagged ‘Archdiocese of Sydney’

‘Huge uproar’: Dates banned from Sydney Catholic high school formals

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

Dozens of students at Sydney’s Catholic high schools have been banned from bringing a date to their year 12 formal under a new policy, sparking a “huge uproar”. Under the rules, which apply to the 147 systemic schools within the city’s Catholic archdiocese, parents will also be forbidden from drinking alcohol at end-of-year celebrations. Released Read more

The Catholic world has taken notice of the Eucharistic revival in Sydney

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

In the Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia, a record 15,000 people filled the streets during the annual Corpus Christi Eucharistic procession, which has doubled in size over the last few years. “I can see the spirit at work in the people in their response at a parish level. They are very keen to lift up the Read more

Smaller gender pay gap for women with Catholic employers

Thursday, March 7th, 2024
gender pay gap

Women with Catholic employers are well-supported financially, with a smaller gender pay gap than their peers. Released on 27 February, the first national Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) report also notes some say their employers could do more to uphold all their employees’ dignity. The WGEA investigated about 5,000 companies, each employing more than 100 Read more

Australian students teach the faith

Thursday, September 29th, 2022

Mathew Abrahim, William Buono, Michael Touma and Daniel Khoury, year 10 students of Christian Brothers at Lewisham have discovered the truth of the saying that the best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else. The mates met with the students of Lewisham Public school as student catechists to share their Catholic Read more

Anti-VAX Sydney priests a headache

Monday, October 11th, 2021
SkyNews Australia

Priests refusing to get vaccinated are causing headaches for the hierarchy in Sydney, with parishioners soon to return to church. Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher, has reportedly had complaints from churchgoers over priests who plan to return to delivering sermons without getting vaccinated. Sydney’s vicar-general, Father Gerry Gleeson, says a “handful” of priests have refused Read more

$3m legal bill for Cardinal Pell to clear his name

Thursday, July 8th, 2021
Pell legal bill

The legal bill for Cardinal George Pell to defend sex crime charges amounted to A$3m (NZ$3.2m). The charges were eventually thrown out by the High Court. Pell confirmed there was still a “significant” amount of money to be paid, despite having walked free more than a year ago. Cardinal Pell’s legal team initially applied for Read more