Posts Tagged ‘autism’

How clever people can be foolish

Tuesday, July 8th, 2014

Which is correct?: A. People drown by breathing in water. B. People drown by holding their breath under water. Confronted with such a question, the vast majority of people would know that A was the correct answer. Indeed, most people would know that water in the lungs is proof of death by drowning but that lack of it is Read more

There’s no such thing as a ‘normal’ family

Friday, October 18th, 2013

For his new book, author Andrew Solomon spoke with parents who have children completely unlike them — with autism, Down syndrome or dwarfism. SPIEGEL spoke with him about his findings and how they changed his parenting. SPIEGEL: Dr. Solomon, in your book you write about Jason Kingsley, who was a child star on “Sesame Street.” What’s Read more

Autistic boy genius, Jacob Barnett

Friday, September 6th, 2013

By May of this year, Jacob Barnett had wrung everything he could get out of the university he had been attending for four years in his home state of Indiana. He had taken every undergraduate course on mathematics and physics, and a bunch of graduate-level courses too. None of it had even slowed Jacob down. Read more

Early signs of autism

Friday, May 31st, 2013

When a newborn joins a family we become beguiled by the perfection of this wondrous new being. Any hint of difference is easily overlooked during the early years. We now understand that the onset of symptoms of autism spectrum disorders is variable during the first two years of life. Signs are evident in some children from birth, Read more

Atheists lack empathy and understanding

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

This is actually a study from the middle of last year that I never got round to covering (there was a run of studies from the same team, and this one ended up at the bottom of the pile!). But I’m glad I did. The study leads were Ara Norenzayan and Will Gervais at the Read more