Posts Tagged ‘church attendance’

Solving the problem of decreasing church attendance frequency

Thursday, December 5th, 2019

A phenomenon is impacting churches. Maybe your church is an anomaly. But most churches—regardless of size and denominational affiliation—are experiencing a decrease in attendance frequency. Attendance frequency measures how often a person comes to church. For example, an “active” member was once considered someone who came twice, or even three times a week. Today an Read more

Synod says Sunday services no longer compulsory

Monday, February 25th, 2019

A Church of England synod has decided to put aside a centuries-old requirement for every church in every benefice to celebrate the weekly Sunday services. The synod says the rules will be amended to say morning and evening prayer need only be held at “at least one church within a benefice, which might include multiple Read more

Wellington’s new parking fees may affect church attendance

Monday, August 27th, 2018
parking fees

The Wellington City Council has voted to introduce weekend parking fees in the city. Previously there were two hours of free weekend parking in the CBD. Now the parking fee will be $2.50 per hour. The parish priest of St Mary of the Angels, Fr Conroy SM, told CathNews that the new charges will have a significant impact on those attending Read more

Why they go to church and why they don’t

Monday, August 13th, 2018

Why do some people go to church and others stay away? A new Pew Research Center study offers  a survey of 4,729 Americans telling us precisely why they do (or don’t) attend religious services. Read more

Church attendance influences donations, generosity

Monday, October 30th, 2017

Church attendance influences the likelihood of congregations to donate to religious institutions, a report from Giving USA has found. It also influences how generous the donations are. The report says “Most strikingly, those attending religious services once a month or more make an average annual religious contribution of $1,848, while those attending religious services less Read more

Attending church is good for your health

Thursday, July 13th, 2017

The latest in a long line of studies, now numbering in the hundreds, if not thousands, shows that church attendance is good for your health. Published in May by researchers from Vanderbilt University, the study found that middle-aged adults who attended religious services at least once in the past year were half as likely to die prematurely Read more

Baby boomers not lacking in spirituality

Friday, March 8th, 2013

Baby boomers do not lack in spirituality, according to Right Reverend Ray Coster, the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in New Zealand. He says they just expressed it in different ways. He said while baby boomers and their children were the ones most likely not to belong to a church because they struggled with the Read more

Hundreds of churches in Germany are closing

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

Because of declining church attendances and financial difficulties, hundreds of Catholic and Protestant churches in Germany are closing. One estimate is that 15,000 of the 45,000 churches in the country will soon be no longer needed. “These buildings are simply too opulent, too empty and too expensive to maintain, something akin to an aging grandmother Read more

It’s a church service, and it’s a party in the pews!

Friday, December 21st, 2012

Some mainstream New Zealand churches are struggling to keep their heads above the communion wine but other religions are thriving, building new churches, mosques and temples and gathering devoted worshippers in their thousands. Banks of lights pulsate in waves of colour, and cameras project images on to three monstrous screens. And there is plenty of Read more

Catholic Church continues to grow in New Zealand and world-wide

Friday, October 5th, 2012

A Massey University study, Changing Patterns of Auckland Religion, has found that, with the exception of Catholicism, membership of all mainstream Christian denominations has fallen to historic lows. At the same time religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam are growing. Professor Peter Lineham, who led the study, said the survey showed the mainstream Christian churches Read more