Posts Tagged ‘Church and State’

Parishes to defy Government traffic light system

Monday, November 29th, 2021
Parishes to defy Government

As least two New Zealand Catholic parishes intend to defy the Government mandated traffic light system. Fr Jeremy Palman, the parish priest of Holy Family Parish, Te Atatu, Auckland, labels compliance as discriminatory saying he will not refuse anyone’s presence at any Mass on the basis of their vaccination status. Citing skin colour, race, ethnicity, Read more

Language, love, laïcité and violence

Monday, November 9th, 2020

I write in support of Imam Gamal Foude’s comments on the need for love and respect in combatting violence. With all due respect to French leaders, I think they could start by reviewing the implications of laïcité. At this time, they have much to say about “Islamic terrorism”.  Worse, some of the language they are Read more

France must define its values so it can defend them

Thursday, November 5th, 2020
Basilica of Notre-Dame de Nice

France is the most rigorously secular state of the democratic world. Separation of Church and State enshrined in the famous 1905 law was the result of over a century of hostility between the Catholic Church and the French State. Mutual hostility began with the 1789 French Revolution. Until then monarchical France bathed in the glory Read more

Taxpayers’ Union objects to government grants for churches

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

The New Zealand Taxpayer Union objects to grants “from the provincial growth fund” being spent on renovating Pasifika churches.” Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones says 27 churches will benefit, as part a 10 million dollar in grants from the Covid-19 response and recovery plan. “This kind of hyper-targeted spending can only be read as Read more

Large piece of church land wanted for social housing

Thursday, March 5th, 2020

It’s the church v the state over a piece of land in Flaxmere. A Pentecostal pastor is claiming his church’s plans for a new religious community facility have been “ambushed” by the Government, which now wants the land for social housing. Read more

Auckland churches given a reprieve before new rates come in

Thursday, November 22nd, 2018

Auckland churches are getting a one-year breather before Auckland Council brings in higher rates on facilities not used for religious purposes. Three months ago the council contacted hundreds of churches telling them to ignore big rates increases, which came into effect this financial year without political input.

Government funding for churches in Timor-Leste under review

Monday, October 1st, 2018
government funding

In Timor Leste, where the population is 90% Catholic, the government makes a significant financial contribution to the Catholic church. The way in which the funding is carried out is now under review. The government will not comment on how the funding is to be allocated this year and it could be facing a fight with Read more

Auckland City Council hikes rates for churches

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

The Auckland Council will urgently review the rates bills of the city’s churches after hundreds were issued huge rises. One church in central Auckland, which asked not to be named, received an increase of 6900 percent, from $400 to $28,000. The council issued new rates bills, without consultation, to the churches earlier this month, claiming Read more

Wellington’s new parking fees may affect church attendance

Monday, August 27th, 2018
parking fees

The Wellington City Council has voted to introduce weekend parking fees in the city. Previously there were two hours of free weekend parking in the CBD. Now the parking fee will be $2.50 per hour. The parish priest of St Mary of the Angels, Fr Conroy SM, told CathNews that the new charges will have a significant impact on those attending Read more

Catholic bishops condemn abuse of state funds in PNG

Monday, July 23rd, 2018
state funds

The Catholic Bishops Conference of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands has called on parliamentarians to do away with the allocation of state funds that they can use at their own discretion in their electorates. The Bishops say these state funds have only attracted greed and corruption and overshadowed the real role of an Read more