Posts Tagged ‘Church State Partnership programmes’

Move to cut funding for Church health services in PNG

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

PNG’s National Planning Minister Charles Abel has confirmed that because of budget constraints, funding for the Church-State Partnership Programme in 2016 has been cut to 3.2 million US dollars from about 8 million. A church representative says very little of last year’s allocation was paid out anyway. Church-led health services are already being strained at Read more

Church and State strengthen partnership in East New Britain

Friday, August 16th, 2013

The National Planning and Monitoring DepartmentĀ has given the archdiocese of Rabaul two used cars and some furniture. Executive officer Tony Miva and administration officer Janet Walum made the donation on behalf of the acting secretary. At the hand-over, the archdiocesan finance manager, Ray Ramirez, thanked the National Planning and Monitoring Department. He saidĀ the department had Read more

K120m for Church State partnership programmes wasted

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

In Papua New Guinea a government supplied fund of K120 million for church state partnership programmes has been wasted through misapplication and abuse. National Planning Minister Charles Abel will table a report on the Social Development Plan or Church State Partnership Program where K120 million has been spent with nothing to show on the ground. Read more