Posts Tagged ‘Diocese of Matagalpa’

Nicaragua: church attacks, priests exiled, NGOs closed

Thursday, August 22nd, 2024
Nicaragua church attacks

The Nicaragua government has dramatically escalated its repression of the Catholic Church and civil society, with more than 870 church attacks reported since 2018. Under President Daniel Ortega, incidents against the Catholic church have included arson, harassment and the arrest of clergy. This crackdown reflects the Ortega regime’s broader strategy to silence dissenting voices, particularly Read more

‘Parishes are on their own,’ says Nicaraguan priest as regime’s repression targets diocese

Thursday, August 8th, 2024

At least 11 churchmen have been detained by police and paramilitaries over a weeklong assault in northern Nicaragua, depleting the already demoralised Diocese of Matagalpa — whose leader, Bishop Rolando Álvarez, lives in exile. Nine priests and a deacon were detained on Aug 1 and 2 — with some taken from parishes and parish residences Read more