Posts Tagged ‘Caritas’

Church slams World Bank for funding coal projects in Philippines

Monday, April 29th, 2024

Church leaders and climate activists have found fault with international lending agencies, including the World Bank, for funding fossil fuel and coal projects in the Philippines. “We stand in solidarity with the communities which are hit by coal power projects,” said Father Warren Puno, director of the Ministry of Ecology in south-central Luzon. “This is Read more

Gaza humanitarian crisis – Government urged to take action

Monday, March 18th, 2024
Gaza humanitarian crisis

Three major Catholic aid agencies are urging Australia, Canada and New Zealand’s leaders to take immediate diplomatic action over the “catastrophic” humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip The agencies working in the area are warning that starvation and famine threaten hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians. Catastrophic conditions in Gaza In a joint statement, the Read more

Libya – urgent global solidarity is needed

Monday, September 18th, 2023

Libya needs global solidarity after its devastating and deadly floods, Pope Francis says. There’s a desperate search for thousands of people missing after a powerful storm burst dams near the Mediterranean city of Derna on 10 September. That event unleashed a torrent of water that devastated at least a quarter of Derna’s buildings. Buildings along Read more

Caritas Australia responds to devastating earthquake in Morocco

Thursday, September 14th, 2023

Caritas agencies are responding to the devastating earthquake in Morocco, where over 2,600 lives have been lost and thousands have been injured. The 6.8 magnitude earthquake is the strongest in over a century. Entire buildings have collapsed, and there are reports some remote villages have been completely destroyed, leaving people trapped or homeless. Many families Read more

Right and just to see women at all levels of Caritas – Kirsty Robertson

Thursday, June 1st, 2023

Kirsty Robertson says her new role as vice-president of Caritas Internationalis is both a privilege and the fulfilment of an “unbelievable journey.” Ms Robertson, 45, joined Caritas Australia based at North Sydney in a junior position more than 20 years ago. She has spent the intervening years dedicated to humanitarian work there and in other Read more

Pope Francis: Charity is our very life

Thursday, May 18th, 2023

Charity – caritas – is our very life; it is what makes us “be” what we are. When we embrace God’s love and when we love one another in him, we plumb the depths of our identity, as individuals and as Church, and the meaning of our existence. We understand not only how important our own lives are, but Read more

Offer concrete support to Turkey and Syria urges Pope

Thursday, February 16th, 2023
Turkey and Syria

Pope Francis is urging people to pray and offer concrete support for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked both countries last week, toppling buildings and killing tens of thousands. Hearing the call, the pontifical foundation Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) will be providing at least NZ$800,000 of immediate Read more

Pope Francis and his Caritas International takeover

Thursday, November 24th, 2022

Back in the late 1960s and 1970s, detractors of St. Paul VI dubbed him the “Hamlet Pope” for his alleged waffling and the perceived fashion in which he would agonise over difficult decisions. Whether that image of the pontiff was fair or not, it stuck, so much so that it featured in the opening paragraphs Read more

NZ Catholic bishops welcome new Te Rōpū Māori

Monday, November 14th, 2022
Te Rōpū Māori

The New Zealand’s Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) welcomed the Church’s new Te Rōpū Māori to their November meeting. The new group’s purpose is to work with the NZCBC on agenda items of importance to Katorika (Catholic) Māori. “The aim is that they provide a well-grounded voice for Katorika Māori and work in partnership with the Read more

Getting off a drowning island isn’t easy

Thursday, August 25th, 2022
drowning island

For more than 13 years, Ursula Rakova has been battling to relocate her people from the Carteret Islands in Papua New Guinea, which are slowly being swamped by the sea. They don’t want to give up the way of life of generations before them, but they have no choice. More than 3000 people are stuck Read more