Posts Tagged ‘Religious discrimination bill’

Don’t dump religious discrimination bill

Thursday, February 17th, 2022

Australian religious leaders are increasing pressure on Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese not to dump the religious discrimination bill ahead of the election. So far the bill has faced stiff opposition from all sides. Its only successful amendment was  on Wednesday, which saw the removal of Section 38(3) of the Sex Read more

Australian religious discrimination bill to stop ‘cancel culture’

Monday, November 29th, 2021
Australian religious discrimination bill

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has warned that religious Australians should not be “cancelled, persecuted or vilified” because of their beliefs. Instead, Morrison insisted, people of faith must be defended from those who seek to marginalise and silence them. After tabling the government’s religious discrimination bill in parliament on Thursday, Morrison said faith groups and Read more

Australian PM revisits religious freedom fight

Thursday, November 18th, 2021
Australian religious freedom fight

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has reignited the Australian religious freedom fight with a reworked bill protecting expressions of faith-based views even if they offend others. Morrison’s religious discrimination bill, a 2019 election pledge, will shield Australians from prosecution if they express reasonable and genuinely held faith-based views despite offending others. Senior government sources said the Read more

Religions demonised by new laws

Thursday, September 5th, 2019

Many religions, including Christianity, are being targeted and demonised through new laws regarding issues like euthanasia, abortion and attempts to force priests to break the seal of the confessional. New South Wales Liberal MP Julian Lesser spoke out at a St Thomas More Society meeting saying, while preparing for the upcoming religious discrimination debate in Read more