Posts Tagged ‘Archbishop Peter Comensoli’

Vatican denies Latin Mass request at Melbourne Cathedral

Thursday, June 20th, 2024

“We shall return”, a buoyant Fr Glen Tattersall said at the final Traditional Latin Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne on Wednesday evening. The Australian reports the Cathedral was packed for the Mass – it estimated there was a congregation of around 850 people. “They came in business suits, in strollers, on trams and Read more

Australian bishops visit Ukraine to show concrete solidarity

Monday, August 21st, 2023

A delegation of Australian Bishops has travelled to war-torn Ukraine to bring their closeness to the nation’s suffering people. According to the Bishops’ Conference website’s media blog, the delegation from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) made the pastoral visit to several Ukrainian cities on 8-11 August in an expression of solidarity with the country’s Read more

Faith leaders appalled by treatment of sports club Christian CEO

Monday, October 10th, 2022
leaders appalled by treatment of Thorburn

Leaders of several churches have been appalled by the treatment of Andrew Thorburn, who was forced to resign as CEO of AFL club Essendon when sermons by the church of which he is chairman became public. The sermons likened abortion to concentration camps and included claims that “practising homosexuality is a sin” – views which Read more

Australian religious discrimination bill to stop ‘cancel culture’

Monday, November 29th, 2021
Australian religious discrimination bill

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has warned that religious Australians should not be “cancelled, persecuted or vilified” because of their beliefs. Instead, Morrison insisted, people of faith must be defended from those who seek to marginalise and silence them. After tabling the government’s religious discrimination bill in parliament on Thursday, Morrison said faith groups and Read more

Australian PM revisits religious freedom fight

Thursday, November 18th, 2021
Australian religious freedom fight

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has reignited the Australian religious freedom fight with a reworked bill protecting expressions of faith-based views even if they offend others. Morrison’s religious discrimination bill, a 2019 election pledge, will shield Australians from prosecution if they express reasonable and genuinely held faith-based views despite offending others. Senior government sources said the Read more

Vaccine mandates creating an “underclass of the unvaccinated” in Victoria

Thursday, November 4th, 2021
vaccine underclass

Australian religious leaders are broadly supportive of Covid-19 vaccinations, however they are concerned a vaccine mandate could create an underclass of the unvaccinated. While turning the unvaccinated away is a public health imperative, it is theologically very difficult for many religions. Father Peter Nguyen of St Dominic’s Catholic Church in Camberwell is grateful for an Read more

Another unneeded attack on religions says Melbourne’s Archbishop Comensoli

Thursday, November 4th, 2021

The Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne, Peter Comensoli, is speaking out against a new law aimed at religious organisations. Critical of State Governor, Daniel Andrews (pictured), Comensoli says the new Equal Opportunity Act (Religious Exceptions) reform proposes a new ‘inherent requirement’ test to replace current, well-working exemptions from anti-discrimination laws. This means an employer will have Read more

Melbourne archdiocese needs to restructure or ‘sink into the sunset’

Monday, July 19th, 2021
Melbourne archdiocese restructure

Melbourne Catholic Archbishop Peter Comensoli is facing dissent from within over ambitious plans to restructure the archdiocese. Comensoli told his diocesan clergy and parish lay leaders that the diocese is on a ‘threshold’ and either we do something or ‘sink into the sunset’. He conceded the church’s painful history and parishioners abandoning the pews had Read more

Aussies making it a crime to pray

Thursday, December 10th, 2020

A proposed law before Victoria’s state parliament seeks to criminalise any practices that seek to change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, including prayer. Melbourne Archbishop Peter Comensoli said any coercive practice “is an affront to human dignity.” He said he firmly rejects such harmful acts but added that “nobody is protected Read more

COVID-19 is changing the Church now

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

An Australian archbishop says the COVID-19 epidemic is changing the way the Church evangelises. “This is not a theoretical discussion for the future but is happening in real-time”, says Melbourne Archbishop Peter Comensoli. Comensoli says the epidemic is forcing the Church to be more creative in the way it reaches people. It is also reshaping Read more