Posts Tagged ‘Tony Magliano’

Climate change risks devastating conflicts – even nuclear war!

Thursday, November 18th, 2021

As climate change rages along its disastrous path of increasing and more intense natural disasters – hurting the poor most of all – it now appears that a majority of people are finally beginning to admit climate change is for real – and that pollution from humans burning oil, gas and coal is the main Read more

Afghanistan’s clear lesson: ‘War is not the answer’

Monday, September 13th, 2021
Ukraine Government

Was it good that the United States and its allies fought a 20 year war against the Taliban in Afghanistan?  Was all of the blood, sweat and tears worth it? How can any honest, moral, objective view conclude that all of the money wasted, goodwill lost, Americans and allies killed and countless innocent poor Afghan Read more

Humanitarian crisis: Yemen, a blip on my radar screen

Thursday, July 29th, 2021
Ukraine Government

After six years of war, “Yemen remains the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe,” according to the International Rescue Committee. Confirming that terribly sad fact, Catholic Relief Services reports, “Conflict and a lack of aid has triggered a humanitarian disaster, leaving 80 percent of the population in need of assistance, including 2 million children suffering from acute Read more

COVID vaccines; a moral duty – a human right

Thursday, June 17th, 2021
COVID Vaccines

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO), as reported by The Guardian, has warned that as COVID vaccines continue to roll out, the world faces a “catastrophic moral failure” as richer countries administer the vaccine on a vast scale, while poor countries are left behind.” The head of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, underscored the Read more

Earth Day – an urgent reminder to protect ‘our common home’

Thursday, April 22nd, 2021
Earth Day

Thursday, April 22, we joined the global celebration of Earth Day and appropriate for Catholics to reflect on Pope Francis’ famous environmental encyclical letter “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home.” Citing Francis of Assisi – patron saint of ecology – Pope Francis writes “our common home is like a sister with whom we Read more

Jesus suffering with the world – a reflection

Monday, March 29th, 2021
Jesus suffering with the world

Pope Francis has often urged us to prayerfully meditate before the crucifix. Because by prayerfully meditating before the crucifix, one can see and begin to understand the ultimate result of sin. The Romans’ sins, the Jews’ sins, our sins nailed our Lord Jesus to the cross. The cost of sin is death. Our sins killed Read more

Let the Gospel lead the way!

Monday, November 16th, 2020

Not only is the United States a divided country, but the Catholic Church in the U.S. is as divided as the nation. And the presidential election drove home that point. According to a PBS report in CathNews, VoteCast declared that 50 percent of Catholics backed Trump, while 49 percent voted for Biden. Many Catholics, like Read more

Fratelli Tutti – a roadmap to live as one human family

Monday, October 19th, 2020
Ukraine Government

With so much of humanity sickened in soul and body by greed, self-centered indifference to suffering, inequality, polarization and violence, Pope Francis has wonderfully seized the moment by giving to our wounded world the balm of his new inspiring and challenging social encyclical letter titled Fratelli Tutti. Pope Francis warns that humanity is largely going Read more

Record wildfires, hurricanes, droughts – we need the Season of Creation

Monday, September 21st, 2020
COVID Vaccines

Climate change is real; its death and destruction is upon us, and it is projected to get much worse if far more aggressive national and international efforts to reverse it are not soon enacted. Those who deny climate change and its accompanying global warming – from certain high government officials to countless ordinary users of Read more

75 years of nuclear weapons madness

Thursday, August 6th, 2020

Wars have always caused needless suffering, destruction and death. But 75 years ago, the hell of war reached a new all-time immoral low when on August 6, 1945 a United States Boeing B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima instantly killing over 70,000 – mostly civilian – children, women and Read more