Posts Tagged ‘Venezuela presidential elections’

Venezuelan cardinals urge civic disobedience against President

Thursday, August 8th, 2024
Venezuelan cardinals

Two prominent Venezuelan cardinals have called for “civic disobedience and resistance” against President Nicolás Maduro’s regime due to allegations of election fraud and severe government crackdowns on protests. In a leaked letter Cardinal Baltazar Porras, emeritus of Caracas, and Cardinal Diego Padrón, emeritus of Cumaná, assert the Church’s “moral duty to support and sustain just Read more

Venezuela bishops: ‘the nation needs a change of direction now’

Monday, July 15th, 2019

In order to begin to reverse the dramatic situation in which Venezuela finds itself, the Venezuelan bishops claim a political change of direction is urgently needed. “Faced with the reality of an illegitimate and bankrupt government,” Venezuela is crying for “a change of direction, a return to the Constitution,” they say. A message issued at Read more