Posts Tagged ‘Women and the synod’

Pope’s changes to Synod membership hard to undo

Monday, May 1st, 2023
Including Women

It’s been nearly 14 centuries since the monastery founded by St Hild of Whitby, a prominent abbess in 7th century Anglo-Saxon England, hosted the Northumbrian kingdom’s assembly. There they would discuss the date on which its Christian church would celebrate Easter. That assembly, or synod, would bring the kingdom’s church in line with the Catholic Read more

Francis ‘cracks stained glass ceiling’ for Synod of Bishops meeting

Thursday, April 27th, 2023
synod of bishops

Pope Francis, April 17, approved a decision that lay women and lay men will vote at the upcoming Synod of Bishops. The Vatican has always said while input from many was essential to a synod, bishops were tasked with discerning and voting. The move to allow lay women and lay men to vote at the Read more