The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Island Affairs and the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church will conduct a nationwide assessment of the pastoral needs of Asian and Pasifika Catholics.
The assessment will be conducted by a team of social scientists.
It will seek the participation of pastoral leaders such as bishops and diocesan directors, pastors and pastoral teams, volunteers and parishioners.
The study also will convene focus groups at large gatherings, such as the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress and the Mid-Atlantic Congress in Baltimore, and will conduct extensive interviews with influential leaders who minister to these communities.
“Participation in these efforts is essential to help the Catholic Church develop a better understanding of the contributions and needs of such a diverse community,” said Bishop Randolph Calvo of Reno, Nevada, chairman of the Subcommittee for Asian and Pacific Islands Affairs.
“Today, the Church continues to be enriched by the presence and growth of people of Asian and Pacific Island descent who now constitute six percent of the overall United States population.”
“Some are new immigrants, others are well-established, and an increasing number are U.S. born. Some come from distant lands and others, such as Hawaiians or Guamanians, are native to the U.S,” Calvo said.
The project’s findings will be summarized in a report and will inform the development of a National Pastoral Plan for Asian and Pasifika Catholics.
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News category: Asia Pacific.