More than 30 organisations have signed an open letter supporting abortion law reform. The Government’s bill to take abortion out of the Crimes Act passed its second reading in parliament. Read more
More than 30 organisations have signed an open letter supporting abortion law reform. The Government’s bill to take abortion out of the Crimes Act passed its second reading in parliament. Read more
More than 90% of the submissions on the Abortion Legislation Bill have rejected the proposed decriminalisation of abortion. Just under 8% support the Government bill. The in-depth analysis of a random sample of 1,000 submissions by an independent researcher found that 90.6% of submissions were opposed. This means that over 18,000 submissions in total rejected Read more
The NZ Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has rejected a complaint by Terry Bellamak about a pro-life billboard. Bellamak is the head of the Abortion Law Reform Association of NZ (ALRANZ). Bellamak submitted an official complaint calling Voice For Life’s (VFL) billboard (pictured above) on Cuba Street in Wellington “offensive” and claiming that it violated rules around ‘social Read more
Submitters to the Parliamentary committee on abortion legislation are accusing Justice Minister, Andrew Little of undemocratic behaviour; rushing through liberalised abortion laws. They are angry their voices are denied a hearing by the special Select Committee taking public input on his Abortion Legislation Bill. Committee chair, Ruth Dyson, Wednesday, announced the committee would only hear Read more
Catholics believe that embryos and fetuses are entitled to a place in the human family. They are, therefore, to be treated with the same respect as persons whatever their stage of development. This was was the issue highlighted in an oral submission made on to the abortion legislation select committee of the New Zealand parliament. Read more
The Abortion Legislation Bill is before us. It will be contentious, as this issue always is, and it will be strongly and robustly debated. No matter which way one tries to dress this up, we are discussing the termination of a life. We can play tug of war and quibble over whether we are talking Read more