Posts Tagged ‘ACU’

Lamenting the Australian Catholic University

Thursday, September 14th, 2023
Catholic University

The idea of a Catholic University has been foremost in my mind in recent days. Catholic means “universal”, but what makes a university Catholic? Greater intellects than mine have considered this question before. John Henry Newman — a saint of the Catholic Church and the patron saint of the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy at Read more

ACU Vice-Chancellor critical of the way Royal Commission was conducted

Thursday, October 4th, 2018
royal commission

One of the 11 members of the Catholic Church’s Truth, Justice and Healing Council (TJHC) has delivered a sharp and wide-ranging criticism of the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse, describing it as “a flawed body” and its final report “a flawed document”. On the day that the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and Catholic Religious Read more