Posts Tagged ‘Children and young people’

Lack of consensus with Oranga Tamariki needs fixing fast

Thursday, May 9th, 2024
Oranga Tamariki

There is a worrying and “growing gap” in the care of at-risk children and young people. It exists between families with risks that are too complex for charities to manage – and the point where Oranga Tamariki will get involved. New Otago University research says a “clearer consensus” is needed as to when cases indicating Read more

Only 19% of children in State home care get weekly visit

Thursday, August 10th, 2023
children in state home care

Children in state care still need better support when the state sends them home. An Independent Children’s Monitor report, Returning Home From Care, looks at experiences and practices when children and young people’s parents care for them while in state custody. Report findings As at 30 June 2022, 627 children and young people in care Read more