Posts Tagged ‘Christine Lagarde’

Christine Lagarde: the human person at the centre

Friday, December 9th, 2016

Discontent is growing in western democracies as evidenced by Brexit, the election of Donald Trump and the rise of populism. Christine Lagarde, director-general of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) shares her views with La Croix. Globalization, which is often presented as a positive phenomenon is awakening growing concern, indeed rejection. Why didn’t anyone foresee this turn Read more

Capitalism in crisis

Friday, October 31st, 2014

A new buzzword is circulating in the world’s convention centres and auditoriums. It can be heard at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and at the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund. Bankers sprinkle it into the presentations; politicians use it leave an impression on discussion panels. The buzzword is “inclusion” and it Read more