Posts Tagged ‘conservative Catholics’

Vatican II and the new wave of conservative Catholicism

Monday, May 13th, 2024
Conservative catholicism

On May 1, the Associated Press ran an interesting report on the return of conservative Catholicism in the United States. The nutshell of the article is this sentence: “Generations of Catholics who embraced the modernizing tide sparked in the 1960s by Vatican II are increasingly giving way to religious conservatives who believe the church has Read more

Conservative and liberal Catholics can’t escape one another

Monday, May 13th, 2024
Conservative catholics

Before Pope Francis was elected, conservative Catholics had fallen into a habit of dismissing the more liberal form of Catholicism as an old and faded thing, a vision of the future that belonged to the church’s past, a relic of the 1970s that had little purchase among younger Catholics seriously practising their faith. The last Read more

Synod will disappoint liberal and conservative Catholics

Thursday, October 5th, 2023

Liberal and conservative Catholics who anticipate significant shifts in Catholic teaching and practice from the upcoming session of the Synod of Bishops are likely to be let down. The comments come from the Vatican’s new doctrinal chief, Cardinal Victor Fernández. However, he is not ruling out the possibility of future change. Fernández says that those Read more

The risk of becoming just slightly Catholic

Thursday, November 4th, 2021
slightly catholic

President Joe Biden’s recent meeting at the Vatican with Pope Francis has further unmasked the animosity that the Catholic right and alt-right in the United States harbour toward the current Bishop of Rome. In fact, that animosity has become even more virulent and graphic. One American bishop (a Catholic bishop!) even called Francis a “serpent”, Read more

Hacked Clinton organisation email reveals “breathtaking anti-Catholic bigotry”

Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

“The most powerful elements of the conservative movement are all Catholic.” This remark is contained in a hacked email exchange between current Clinton Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri and John Halpin, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress (CAP) Halpin described the conservative Catholic position as a “an amazing bastardization of the faith.” “They Read more

Conservative US Catholics dump Trump

Friday, March 11th, 2016

A group of conservative Catholics is urging voters in the United States not to support the candidacy of Donald Trump. In an essay published by the National Review said Trump is “manifestly unfit to be president of the United States.” The essay, “An Appeal to Our Fellow Catholics,” was co-written by Princeton professor Robert P. Read more