Posts Tagged ‘Depression’

What depression has taught me

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

As regular readers may remember, I have been suffering with depression since the summer. My last blog on the topic, I’m told, came across more “worryingly bleak” than “winningly chipper in the face of adversity”. That wasn’t really the intention at all. But hey, I’m mentally ill – so what do I know? As I Read more

Suicide and depression rising among Irish priests

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Suicide and depression and being turned into “sacrament dispensing machines” are part of an ongoing struggle for many Irish priests. Diocesan priests in Ireland are ““often pitied, patronised, reviled, insulted, disrespected, ignored and resented.” These words came from Fr Brendan Hoban at last week’s annual meeting of the Association of Catholic Priests (ACP). Abuse scandals  Read more

Confessions of a girl with mental illness

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

This is my confession: I have a mental illness When I was 17, I was diagnosed with Chronic Depression (yeah, we’re diving straight in) but I believe that if I’d had the guts to see my doctor earlier, it would’ve been diagnosed when I was 13, or maybe even earlier. I suffered from Insomnia throughout Read more

St. Thomas Aquinas: five remedies against sadness

Friday, February 5th, 2016

On certain days we have all been sad, days when we have been unable to overcome an inner torpor or depression that weighs down on us and makes it difficult to interact with others. Is there a trick for overcoming sorrow and recovering our smile? St. Thomas Aquinas suggests five remedies against sadness that have Read more

Speech highlights Roncalli head boy’s battle with depression

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

“I had a very challenging year and wasn’t always as happy as I may have seemed.” It was not a typical start to an end-of-year prizegiving speech, but that’s exactly what Timaru’s Roncalli College head boy Josh Batchelor wanted. The popular 18-year-old stood in front of hundreds of people on Thursday night to announce that Read more

The epidemic of burnout, depression and suicide in medicine

Tuesday, May 26th, 2015

The suicides of two medical residents in New York City last fall have thrown a spotlight on a real problem among health care professionals, particularly physicians. Medical students, residents and practicing physicians commonly report symptoms of burnout and depression. Rates vary depending on the group, but range from 20-60%. Frank suicidal ideations (when someone has Read more

God is the answer: the scientific evidence

Friday, April 10th, 2015

Eighteen years ago, Lisa Miller, now the director of clinical psychology at Columbia University’s Teachers College, had an epiphany on a New York subway car. She had been poring over the mountains of data generated by a three-generation study of depressed women and their children and grandchildren. The biological trend was clear: Women with severe—and Read more

Dealing with regrets

Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

John, a 57 year-old man, consulted me for a mixture of “personal and career stagnation,” as he put it. His thoughts soon turned to a decision he made in his 20s, when he reluctantly entered a career path and profession that his father urged him to follow. He said he now saw that his need Read more

A priest’s journey: depression and suicide

Friday, March 13th, 2015

I like stories. Whether it’s a program on EWTN, or a homily, or an article, I like the saga of how some Catholic figure dealt with a challenge. It could be a story about converting the barbarians, or some primitive people, or of a modern man being thrown into prison while facing a seemingly impossible situation. Regardless, I will remember Read more

What I wish people knew about depression

Friday, September 26th, 2014

“Soul Seeing” editor Mike Leach asked me to write on what I wish people knew about depression in light of Robin Williams’ suicide. Here is what I wish for. I wish people knew that the soul of someone who dies of suicide is as perfect as the moment God created it, that depression is an Read more