Posts Tagged ‘Hope’

Counter-cultural young Catholics emerging in Ireland

Monday, June 10th, 2024
young Catholics

Young Catholics are creating a stir in Ireland. Catholic youth groups are experiencing a resurgence. Hundreds of young Catholics are being drawn to faith-based activities and community service, the word from youth groups says. Hope is in the air Bishop Fintan Gavin of Cork and Ross says the resurgence makes him feel hopeful. “I am Read more

Chaos readying Rome for Jubilee 2025 celebrations

Monday, May 13th, 2024

Preparations for next year’s Jubilee in Rome are frantically gearing for a humungous rush to finish in time. The once-every-quarter-century event is likely to bring about 32 million pilgrims to Rome Last Thursday at St Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis presided over a ceremony where the papal bull, or official edict, for the Jubilee was read. Read more

In toxic time, hope can be the solid ground we can stand on

Thursday, May 9th, 2024

Calls for hope in times like these can seem like toxic positivity — or like a slur. Urging hope seems to ignore charred bodies in a kibbutz and bombed refugee camps, to mock victims of hate crimes, to disregard the failed peace agreements and war machines that crisscross the sky. Countering rhetoric and policies At Read more

Reasons for hope in 2024

Thursday, February 8th, 2024
Timothy Radcliffe

“I believe that this profound human thirst for infinite happiness, which we all feel at times, is the most real thing there is. To hope for it is to live in the real world,” insists Timothy Radcliffe, the former Master of the Dominican Order (1992-2001) who is now a best-selling spiritual writer and preacher. Pope Read more

Pope2Youth – become beacons of hope

Thursday, November 16th, 2023
Beacons of hope

In a heartfelt message, Pope Francis has called upon young people to become beacons of hope in a world struggling with conflict, suffering and desolation. “When we think of human tragedies, especially the suffering of the innocent, we too can echo some of the Psalms and ask the Lord ‘Why?’  At the same time however, Read more

Synod on synodality “selfies” and the media

Thursday, October 26th, 2023
Synod on synodality "selfies" and the media

When I was in Rome during the second week of the Synod on synodality, I had the opportunity to talk with some of the participants. Every single one of them offered encouraging words of hope. But if one wants to know what is happening at this synodal assembly, those words of hope are pretty much Read more

Synod Retreat Meditation: ‘Hoping Against Hope’

Thursday, October 5th, 2023

When the Holy Father asked me to give this retreat, I felt enormously honoured but nervous. I am deeply aware of my personal limitations. I am old – white – a Westerner – and a man! I don’t know which is worse! All of these aspects of my identity limit my understanding. So I ask Read more

Synod Retreat Meditation: ‘At home in God and God at home in us’

Thursday, October 5th, 2023

We come to this Synod with conflicting hopes. But this need not be an insuperable obstacle. We are united in the hope of the Eucharist, a hope which embraces and transcends all that we long for. But there is another source of tension. Our understandings of the Church as our home sometimes clash. Every living Read more

Pope Francis urges hope for Europe’s new generations

Monday, October 2nd, 2023

Pope Francis has stressed the importance of hope as the foundation for addressing the crises faced by Europe, particularly among the younger generation. “Hope needs to be restored to our European societies, especially to the new generations” he told people gathered in St Peter’s Square for his weekly general audience on September 27. “In fact, Read more

How not to focus on the negative, even when life is discouraging

Thursday, September 21st, 2023

In my ministry with LGBTQ people, I sometimes meet people who feel profoundly, even paralysingly, discouraged by the lack of forward movement in the Church. Even when something positive happens in the Church, they will say, “Not enough!” or “Too little, too late.” In his opening address to the Second Vatican Council, Pope St. John Read more