Posts Tagged ‘Gen-X’

Don’t blame the boomers for decline of religion

Thursday, September 2nd, 2021
decline of religion

The generation born in the two decades after World War II has long touted itself as the revolutionary religious demographic that grew up dutifully sitting in the pews before rebelling — as they did in music, politics, art and the bedroom — and freeing American culture from its hidebound superstitions. OK, boomer. Examining the data Read more

Confessions of an in-between Catholic

Thursday, April 12th, 2018
confessions in-between catholic

Living two lives breaks you. Having tried to live as a Catholic campus minister and as a lesbian woman, my authentic self, piece by piece, slowly broke apart. I was asked to hide, to “be discreet” about my same-sex marriage, and later was offered a severance package with an agreement to remain silent about the Read more