Posts Tagged ‘Monica Doumit’

Dan Andrews leaves behind an anti-life, anti-faith, anti-Catholic legacy

Thursday, September 28th, 2023
dan andrews

“Legacy is for other people to determine.” So said Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, in Tuesday’s press conference announcing his resignation. Much ink will be spilled and many column inches dedicated to his legacy in the weeks and months ahead. But besides the list of Dan’s accomplishments, needs to sit his record as the most anti-life, Read more

No to Pontifical Secret at Synod urge media

Monday, September 18th, 2023
Synod Pontifical Secret

A growing chorus within Catholic media is pressing Pope Francis not to shut down the Synod on Synodality under the veil of the Pontifical Secret. Rather, they are urging him to open up the much-anticipated Synod on Synodality deliberations to the media. The Catholic media professionals argue that given the global involvement in preparation for Read more