Posts Tagged ‘Pope Francis Indonesia visit’

Jakarta’s Tunnel of Fraternity praised by Pope and Imam

Monday, September 9th, 2024
Tunnel of Fraternity

During his visit to Jakarta, Pope Francis lauded the “Tunnel of Fraternity” connecting Istiqlal Mosque and the Catholic Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, describing it as “a place of dialogue and encounter”. While tunnels are often seen as dark places, Francis observed “Here it is different, for everything is illuminated”. The pope told Read more

Pope’s visit to Indonesia: Francis holds an almost ‘zero-waste’ Mass

Monday, September 9th, 2024

Minutes before the start of the Mass that concluded Pope Francis’ stay in Indonesia, a small army of volunteers wearing black and green T-shirts with the slogan “Your waste, your responsibility” guided the 60,000 pilgrims filling the stands of the vast Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Stadium in Jakarta. An additional 25,000 people followed the Mass Read more

Anti-terror unit checks Jakarta’s cathedral ahead of papal visit

Monday, August 5th, 2024

Indonesia’s anti-terror agency examined security arrangements at Our Lady of Assumption Cathedral in the capital, Jakarta, on Aug 1. Pope Francis will visit the cathedral in September. National Counterterrorism Agency officials inspected the cathedral after police arrested a terror suspect in Malang, East Java, who allegedly planned to attack two houses of worship. “The goal Read more