Posts Tagged ‘Russia-Ukraine peace talks’

Vatican asks UN Security Council to join efforts for peace in Ukraine

Monday, September 25th, 2023

The Vatican urged members of the UN Security Council to be “creative and courageous artisans of peace and weavers of constructive dialogue” to find a peaceful solution to the war in Ukraine. Addressing a meeting of the UN Security Council in New York on Sept 20, Archbishop Paul R Gallagher, the Vatican’s foreign minister, said Read more

Pope’s peace envoy on Ukraine says aim is dialogue, not mediation

Thursday, June 15th, 2023

Shortly after returning from Ukraine, where he undertook a special peace mission on behalf of Pope Francis, Italian Cardinal Matteo Zuppi stressed the importance of dialogue and said his visit was not an attempt at mediation. Speaking to journalists on the margins of a June 7 book presentation the day after returning from Kyiv, Zuppi Read more

Papal envoy undertakes peace mission to Ukraine with ‘vague’ agenda

Thursday, June 8th, 2023
vague agenda

Italian Cardinal Matteo Zuppi’s recent two-day visit to Ukraine, described as a Vatican peace mission, has drawn criticism due to its vague agenda. “The main purpose of this initiative is to listen in depth to the Ukrainian authorities about possible ways to achieve a just peace and to support gestures of humanity that will help Read more

Italian cardinal entrusted with Ukraine peace mission

Monday, May 22nd, 2023
Italian cardinal entrusted

Pope Francis has entrusted Cardinal Matteo Zuppi (pictured) to head the Russia and Ukraine peace mission on behalf of the Vatican, the Holy See press office said on Saturday. Zuppi is a prominent Italian cardinal known for his close association with the pontiff. Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni announced the development on Saturday, revealing that the Read more

Russia is ‘willing’ to speak with Pope Francis about the war in Ukraine

Monday, October 31st, 2022

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitri Peskov said his government is willing to talk with Pope Francis, the United States, and France to find a solution to the war in Ukraine. “We are willing to discuss all this (the situation in Ukraine) with the Americans, with the French, and with the pontiff,” Peskov said during a daily Read more