Posts Tagged ‘Salvation Army’

Budget recognising some Kiwis are missing out

Thursday, May 25th, 2017

Two billion dollars will go back into the pockets of New Zealand families, with the Government unveiling a combination of tax cuts, a boost to the accommodation supplement and Working for Families. Salvation Army says the budget is a step in the right direction to correct the growing imbalance in New Zealand society between the Read more

NZ’s Prison population has trebled since 1985

Friday, December 9th, 2016

Despite crime rates falling overall, the prison population in New Zealand has tripled since 1985 and is likely to reach a record 10,000 people next year. Corrections is also unlikely to meet its composite target of reducing reoffending by 25 per cent by 2017. Post-prison reoffending rates have barely changed in the past 10 years. Read more

Migrants causing unemployment – Salvation Army say yes PM says no

Friday, October 21st, 2016

The Salvation Army says there is persistent unemployment in the  15- to 24-year-old age group and this is related to immigration. It says as a country we need to have a rational and open debate around the role of immigration in New Zealand’s future. In a report, What Next, released this week;the Salvation Army suggests Read more

Sallies in talks over pensioner housing

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Salvation Army representatives hope to meet with Whanganui District Council staff to discuss a proposed joint venture for pensioner housing. If it goes ahead, Whanganui will become the first regional city in New Zealand to implement such a scheme. Continue reading

Teen burglars ‘only had to ask’ – Sallies

Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

Two teenage burglars have robbed a Salvation Army food bank in Christchurch should have visited in work hours if they were hungry, a spokesperson says. The break-in happened on Southampton Street in Sydenham shortly before 6am on Friday. Continue reading

Homeless – Salvation Army say PM got it wrong

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

The Salvation Army says incorrect statements by the government last week have jeopardised its ability to work with the homeless. It said the government’s claims that Ministry of Social Development (MSD) staff accompanied Salvation Army staff to visit homeless people in a South Auckland park were incorrect. The prime minister’s office has issued a statement Read more

Sallies helping people pay for rental bonds

Tuesday, May 31st, 2016

The Salvation Army has dipped into its reserves to help people who were turned down by Work and Income pay for rental housing bonds. About four people have come into the Salvation Army Manukau office in the last two days to ask for help to get into new accommodation. Salvation Army policy analyst Alan Johnson Read more

Salvation Army State of Nation report

Friday, February 19th, 2016

The latest report from the Social Policy & Parliamentary Unit examines how even just a small dip in economic fortunes could see many more Kiwi families fall into poverty and severe social distress, despite recent economic upturn. December 2015 job figures paint an encouraging picture of the resilience of the New Zealand economy. But just Read more

All children deserve new presents on Christmas Day

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

The Salvation Army toy appeal co-ordinator says all children deserve new presents on Christmas Day. This has drawn widespread condemnation from detractors shocked at the Salvation Army’s consumer-driven stance, with many saying they will not be supporting their appeal. The Salvation Army’s territorial social services secretary, Pam Waugh, said for many children this would be the Read more

Every week another 300 families ask for food parcels

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

Every week another 300 families struggling to put food on the table are turning to the Salvation Army for help, the organisation says. In the year to September, it recorded a 7 percent increase in requests for food parcels compared to the previous year – the biggest rise since 2011. In some regions, including Hawke’s Read more