Posts Tagged ‘Theology’

Pope Francis: Why women cannot be ordained priests

Thursday, December 1st, 2022
Pope Francis women priests

Pope Francis has unequivocally stated that women cannot be ordained as priests; however, he emphasised the important role they have to play in the life of the Church. In an interview with America Magazine, Francis responded to a question posed by Kerry Webber, executive editor of the magazine published by the Jesuits of the United Read more

Synodal virtues: Thinking outside the box

Saturday, October 22nd, 2022
shaping the assembly

Theology is not a bundle of facts. Theology is the possession of a Christian skill which can enhance life for the individual and the communion of which that person is a member. It has a vital role to play in a synodal church. I have tried to look at this in various ways in previous Read more

Synodal virtues: We cannot avoid theology if we are to be true disciples of Jesus Christ

Thursday, October 13th, 2022
shaping the assembly

Can the study the of theology be part of the synodal path of the Catholic Church? In an earlier article I argued that it should. Here I want to give a more concrete form to the argument by looking at a basic problem of Christian theology and a current problem in Catholic practice. We all Read more

Synodal virtues: Theology as a resource in Christian discipleship

Tuesday, September 27th, 2022
shaping the assembly

The synodal vision that is emerging in region after region of the Catholic Church worldwide stresses that many different voices need to be heard if we are to fulfil our vocation to be the pilgrim People of God. A door to a synodal Church But if voices are to witness to the truth, the speakers Read more

A theology of trash

Monday, August 23rd, 2021
Theology of trash

I jump off the back of the garbage truck and flip the first lid. Trash cans with wheels are the easiest. I pull one toward the back of the truck and let the momentum lift the weight. I bring down the side of the can on the lip of the hopper, and bags tumble into Read more


Monday, August 16th, 2021

An image has been occurring to me of boats that have become unmoored. They end up on the rocks, or colliding with one another. There are features of our Western world’s culture that seem to fit the image. Important aspects of our lives seem to have become disconnected from what gives them meaning. If this Read more

Theology is at a turning point, says leading Catholic thinker

Thursday, May 13th, 2021
Theology at a turning point

Theology is at a turning point in a time when the Church is anesthetized by the lower number of vocations, ethical questions of society, and the pandemic, according to a leading Catholic thinker. Christoph Theobald SJ was a major figure at a recent May 5, “Today and Tomorrow. Imagining Theology” Vatican symposium on the future Read more

Hans Küng, the theologian who wanted to stand tall

Monday, April 12th, 2021
hans kung

Hans Küng, the contentious Roman Catholic theologian who died at 93 on April 6, once explained his combative nature by pointing out that he was Swiss. “I come from the land of William Tell and we weren’t brought up to be subservient,” he said. “Why should we always crawl? Standing tall suits a theologian too.” Read more

Same-sex blessings and the CDF – how to recognise a tantrum

Monday, March 29th, 2021

Imagine that someone deliberately locks themselves into a small room. They then let it be known that they can’t discuss something with you … because they are locked in a small room. And their justification takes the form: “Can’t because we say we can’t because we said we can’t”. This act of communication is called Read more

It’s the Vatican’s LGBTQ theology that is ‘disordered’

Thursday, March 25th, 2021

A new Vatican statement that has provoked widespread criticism for sharply rejecting the blessing of same-sex unions is the latest example of why it’s hard for many people to take the Catholic Church’s own professed values of equality and dignity seriously. The decree, which notes God “cannot bless sin,” reiterates traditional Catholic teaching on sexuality. Read more