Posts Tagged ‘Thomas Reese SJ’

With Benedict’s death, a way opens for more formal rules for retired popes

Monday, January 9th, 2023
rules for retired popes

When Pope Benedict XVI retired in 2013 — the first pontiff to do so in 600 years — the church had no rules for what a retired pope’s role would be or even what he would be called. After Benedict’s resignation, his papal seal and fisherman’s ring were wisely broken, as would have happened if Read more

My encounters with Joseph Ratzinger — and Pope Benedict XVI

Thursday, January 5th, 2023

I first met Joseph Ratzinger in June 1994 when he was the cardinal prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. No, I was not being interrogated by the Grand Inquisitor. This was long before I got in trouble with the Vatican as editor-in-chief of America magazine. I was in Rome to interview Read more

Does Pope Francis need an editor?

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

The pope’s interview last month with America, the Jesuit journal, was a textbook example of why the Vatican does not want the pope doing interviews. The pope poked the Russian bear in the nose, gave a convoluted response to why women cannot be priests and even had a muddled response to a question on racism Read more

A welcoming church enhances communion and participation

Monday, October 31st, 2022
welcoming church

Clericalism cuts two ways, neither of which has been good for the church. Clerics, who believe they have all the answers and the power, tell the faithful what they can and cannot do. On the other side are laity, who nod off in the pews and leave the heavy lifting to priests and religious. The Read more

Pope Francis’ big gamble

Thursday, September 8th, 2022

Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality, which will take place in October 2023, is the greatest gamble of this papacy. It may succeed in bringing greater unity to the church, or it could result in greater conflict and division. Synods under Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI were stage-managed affairs, where the agenda and debate Read more

Eucharist, sacrament of unity and source of division

Thursday, July 14th, 2022

You will know that we are Christians by our love, but you will know that we are Catholics by our fights. Sadly, one of the things Catholics fight over is the Eucharist. In his June 29 apostolic letter to the Catholic people, Pope Francis decries this division while describing the Eucharist as the sacrament of Read more

Avoiding a deadlocked conclave

Thursday, May 19th, 2022
deadlocked conclave

Before he dies or retires, Pope Francis needs to make changes in the process of electing a new pope to avoid the possibility of a deadlocked conclave. Popes John Paul II and Benedict made innovations in the election process to deal with such an eventuality, but they only made matters worse by not anticipating the Read more

I forgive Pope Benedict. I hope others can too.

Thursday, February 24th, 2022
forgive Pope Benedict

I first met Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in 1994 when I was researching my book “Inside the Vatican: The Politics and Organization of the Catholic Church.” I was getting ready to leave Rome and he was one of the last and most important interviews for the book. Because of illness, he had to cancel our first Read more

Curia reform: Four things to look for

Monday, February 14th, 2022
Curia reform

Ever since he was elected pope, Pope Francis has been trying to reform the Vatican Curia, the bureaucracy that is supposed to help the pope in his ministry to the universal church. He has had only limited success — not surprisingly, since every pope since the Second Vatican Council in the early 1960s has also Read more

Climate catastrophe: caught between hope and despair

Monday, December 6th, 2021
climate change

As world leaders gathered in Glasgow, Scotland, I was depressed by the inability of nations to deal with the coming climate catastrophe. The fault is not entirely on the heads of world leaders. They are only responding to citizens who are more worried about today than tomorrow. People are not convinced of the need to Read more