Posts Tagged ‘Synodal Church’

A synodal Church is a consultative Church

Thursday, July 4th, 2024
Synodal church

The final round of the World Synod will convene in Rome in October this year. Bishops, priests, and laypeople will vote on new consultation and decision-making processes in the Catholic Church. The working paper, Instrumentum Laboris, is the crucial guideline for this process and is expected to be available soon. The Synod Secretariat announced at Read more

Open theology in a synodal, missionary, and open Church

Monday, November 13th, 2023
Sacrosanctum Concilium,

A synodal, missionary, and open Church can only speak to the world through an “open” theology. Ad theologiam promovendam (November 2023) Pope Francis’s revision of the statutes of the Pontifical Academy of Theology is an important development within the discipline of contemporary theology. Francis emphasises the need for an open theology within a synodal, missionary, Read more

Synodal church must be more accountable

Thursday, October 12th, 2023

The ongoing synod on synodality is an opportunity for the church leadership to become more accountable towards sexual abuse cases, increase laity participation, and bring more transparency within the Catholic Church, says an expert. “A synodal Church is a listening Church… but it needs to go a step further: a synodal Church is an accountable Read more

Synod aims to improve Church effectiveness

Monday, September 18th, 2023

According to US Bishop Daniel Flores, October’s Synod on Synodality aims to address human reality – not abstractions. Flores (pictured) is a member of the global assembly’s preparatory commission. He says the Synod aims to share Christ and his Gospel more effectively. We can’t respond with the Gospel if we don’t know the reality people Read more

Catholicism after Ratzinger and the Synod on synodality

Thursday, February 23rd, 2023

One could easily lose count of how many books have been published — or about to be published posthumously by Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI. And there are the books by those bishops and cardinals who refer to the late pope and former doctrinal chief in support of their views on the issues at the center of Read more

A welcoming church enhances communion and participation

Monday, October 31st, 2022
welcoming church

Clericalism cuts two ways, neither of which has been good for the church. Clerics, who believe they have all the answers and the power, tell the faithful what they can and cannot do. On the other side are laity, who nod off in the pews and leave the heavy lifting to priests and religious. The Read more

3 missing elements from synodal response

Thursday, August 25th, 2022

As one of the coordinators of our archdiocesan consultation process for the Synod on Synodality in Chicago, I faced the daunting task of going through a foot-high stack of papers that represented the voices of many people. I read and eventually tried to synthesize everything that had been submitted. In the process, I gained a Read more

A synodal Church and sending the wrong signals

Monday, July 4th, 2022
synodal Church

As we slowly to move towards a synodal Church we should expect that there will be many stumbles, confusions, and false starts. The enthusiasm of some for the Synodal Way is one side of the way all human societies make deliberate change. Likewise, the fears of Cardinal Walter Kasper and some other bishops are exactly Read more

Lay Catholic to represent Poland in Rome at Synod opening

Thursday, September 2nd, 2021

In a first-ever appointment of its kind, a lay Catholic will represent the Church in Poland at the official opening of the synodal process next month. The two-year synodal process is a consultative phase involving Catholic dioceses around the world. Chosen by the Polish bishops’ conference president Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, Professor Aleksander Bańka is the Read more

A Church based on clerical hegemony has run its course

Thursday, July 8th, 2021
vincent long

“Some have likened the state of the Church to Shakespeare’s state of Denmark. “It is hardly an exaggeration”, says a Vietnamese-born former boat refugee, a survivor of clergy sexual abuse and Paramatta Bishop, Vincent Long. There’s an “unprecedented momentum for deep reform, the model of the Church based on clerical hegemony has run its course”, Read more