Posts Tagged ‘Youth unemployment’

Young people battered by diminishing employment opportunities

Thursday, June 20th, 2024
young people

New Zealand’s young people are facing diminishing employment opportunities. Data shows the only statistics growing regarding youth employment, training and education are those recording their unemployment and disengagement from learning. Unrewarding start In the year to March 2024, Radio NZ says 12.4 percent of 15 to 24-year olds were not in employment, education or training Read more

Youth unemployment and poverty in China are soaring

Monday, October 9th, 2023
youth unemployment

Youth unemployment and poverty is affecting about a fifth of China’s youngest workers. It’s a problem that concerns everyone – from China’s president, to social media commentators and song writers. A new song – Tang Ping (Lying Flat) – takes a jibe at the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for downplaying the high rate of youth Read more