Posts Tagged ‘Anxiety’

Controlling anxiety course for trainee lawyers!

Monday, November 18th, 2019

A university for trainee lawyers is to introduce a “controlling anxiety” module in an attempt to prepare students for the world of work. BPP University Law School will also offer courses on “mindfulness on the go” and “managing your sleep” from the end of the month. The private university, which has branches in London, Bristol, Read more

The play deficit

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

When I was a child in the 1950s, my friends and I had two educations. We had school (which was not the big deal it is today), and we also had what I call a hunter-gather education. We played in mixed-age neighbourhood groups almost every day after school, often until dark. We played all weekend Read more

Children refusing to go to school

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

School can be both an exciting and a challenging experience. A young person’s experience of school is influenced by many factors, such as peer relationships, learning ability and family life. Problems in these areas can lead a young person to develop a negative experience of school. Actively avoiding school, either by not attending or not Read more