Posts Tagged ‘Bishop of Rome’

Vatican hints at far-reaching document on the papacy

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

The Vatican press office says a document it is releasing about the papacy could have far-reaching consequences for relations between Christian churches. They say the hot-off-the-press document will be released sometime today, New Zealand time. The document Entitled “The Bishop of Rome – Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Discussions and Responses to the Encyclical Ut Read more

Synodality and electing the Bishop of Rome

Monday, June 20th, 2022
electing the pope

“Over new plan to elect pope, 3 cardinals threaten to quit.” That headline appeared in the October 6, 1972 issue of the National Catholic Reporter. “If insiders’ reports are accurate, Pope Paul is faced with a threatened palace revolt over proposed changes in the procedures used to elect a pope,” wrote Desmond O’Grady, the now-deceased Read more

Unprecedented: St Peter’s relics to be displayed for public veneration

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

The Vatican is planning to end the Year of Faith with an unprecedented display of St Peter’s relics. It is the first time in history, the bones, believed to be those of first Bishop of Rome’s bones will leave the Vatican Grotto and be on display for public veneration. Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president for the Pontifical Read more

Four suggestions for the pope’s ‘to-do’ list

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

When addressing the cardinal conclave, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Buenos Aires warned of “self-preferentiality” and “theological narcissism,” which he said would lead to a “sick” Church. He particularly criticized the “mundane Church that lives within itself, of itself and for itself.” Six months into his papacy, it is crystal clear that this Argentine cardinal, Read more

Between the Dalai Lama and McKinsey’s

Friday, August 2nd, 2013

Characterizations of Pope Francis abound. In something that hasn’t happened since 1979, when John Paul II did it, Pope Francis this week made the Time magazine cover story everywhere in the world except the United States – which went with a story about the ‘not guilty’ verdict in a case against a white man who Read more